Many caught with their pants down...

ArthurianKnight said:
i guess it all depends on which type of server you are in, cause i have played on 3 different PVP servers and PVP servers have twink gears costing much on AH. while PVE server have their twink gears going cheap on AH due to the low demands. might be why your prices are that low. must be an hell to make money out of your server though if the economy is that low !

You may have hit upon something there. I do play on a PvE server.
Similar experience on my server except some guy had the audacity to say he spent 5000 gold on his twink just recently.
Tetox said:
Who gives a shit if your rogue can fc?

Secondly, please explain how any respectable pre-3.1 twink can be made on a 300g budget? Nethercobra alone (for dps) is like 600 and healers need three weapon enchants that are all in excess of 200g. I doubt you can find a class that is able to be fully twinked at anything less than 1000g.

I have a 74 rogue that I used to craft the leg armor. Another 71 warrior with enchanting to do all the enchants. Warrior also has blacksmithing to make stuff from the ore my 80 mage mines in outlands. Then disenchants the crafted BS items for enchanting mats.

So it can be done with little to no money at all if you have enough characters and prof. on those toons.
PEOPLE ALWAYS OVERESTIMATE! get over it already. if i spent 836G on a twink or whatever, and if someone ask, i more than likely tell them 1k. i doubt anyone really keep track of their spending.

just before patch, i sold a libram constitution for 400G and a nethercobra for 600.. nethercleft & clefthide for 400G. prices varies on different servers, but if you looking to make a twink you should expect to fund 1K "ATLEAST" to that character

pre-3.1 a monkey 5/5 legs could sell for 100G.. 4/4 monkey gloves 100G.. forest leather bracers 50-100G. and a wrangler 3/3 500G. the wranglers might seem high but throughout my entire WoW career... i've seen more Shadowfangs on AH than i have seen 3/3 monkey wranglers. not to mention boars speed on your fishing boots.

it all falls down to how populated twinks are on your server really. those are the prices the items go for, you can be lucky and find them on AH for 3G each.

i do agree with the OP since the patch ive seen alot of QQ'ing in trade chat.. and some people even lvling to 59's now. to be frank i seem to be one of the few that loves this patch. skills actually play a factor now, and for the first time level 31's-35's are actually being effective in a BG.

i do feel bad for those who dedicated so much effort into getting the fishing hats/boots, profession skills up, and all the caster classes ;[

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