Mallet of Zul'Farrak Sheathing

IKEELYOO can you pm me about the model editor, wanting it to change appearnce, I hate the Robes of the lich
Is it really worth the possibly of getting caught by the wardens?

Although ive debated the model changing thing for quite awhile, I really dont think its worth losing an entire account over.
Wendyyy said:
Is it really worth the possibly of getting caught by the wardens?

Although ive debated the model changing thing for quite awhile, I really dont think its worth losing an entire account over.

Hey man its there 15 bucks a month not mine they can play how they want and if they wanna risk getting banned I dont care by all means go for it have fun and be happy
Ikeelyoo said:
Sorry, but you're wrong. It can indeed be used to cheat/exploit.

No, im correct. There are many ways to cheat and exploit, but changing visuals on your side does nothing. If you are thinking of some particular exploit, you are missing how it works. Simply changing the models client side does nothing, it can cause crashes tho on your side if you get too nutty, but thats about it. Making a giant toon will not let you jump over things or makin a small model will not let you get into places you cant otherwise. The game doesnt care what you see on your side, only the info in the middle which you arent touching.
BorisBlade said:
No, im correct. There are many ways to cheat and exploit, but changing visuals on your side does nothing. If you are thinking of some particular exploit, you are missing how it works. Simply changing the models client side does nothing, it can cause crashes tho on your side if you get too nutty, but thats about it. Making a giant toon will not let you jump over things or makin a small model will not let you get into places you cant otherwise. The game doesnt care what you see on your side, only the info in the middle which you arent touching.

You can use ME for bad things, thats why it prohibited now. there are ways to change a netherwing egg in murmur, people used that, than blizzard said dont do that. other people used it to go under starth and run to baron for mount farms

Blizzard's main focus is to stop hackers and exploiters. If you don't intend on using skins and models to exploit or hack you shouldn't have to worry about getting banned.(this is not a guarantee, but i havent heard of anyone getting cought from it).

I hope this pretty much explains evrything about it (sorry for Off-topic was for helping purpose) if you want more info PM me for my email so you can msn with me about it

btw, you do get nicePictures from it
If you don't intend on using skins and models to exploit or hack you shouldn't have to worry about getting banned.

In manners of banning, Blizzard rarely gives two sh!ts about your "intentions"
yeah, thats why the post didnt consist out of 2 sentences, since there is almsot no way they can check for your ME's, and if you are ME-exploiting (like being under strat) they can check that easier. so its not that blizz doesnt want to, they're jsut to lazy to check evryone for ME's(dont tell your friends though, you never know what they do)

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