Mazurati said:
make a dwarf cause there are too many damn nelfs running around.
very true. i agree fullheartedly.
and i also find that NE hunters are usually twinked and bad, then dwarf hunters are usually decent to really good and twinked, and draenai are never twinked at all.
but that's besides the point.
advantages for NEs
shadowmeld in combat to confuse bad players and good players alike (for 1-5 seconds usually) which allows for further kiting if someone gets too close. also allows for stealthed defending of certain areas.
dodge chance for melee...kinda underused when you're a good kiting hunter but an advantage nonetheless
nature resistance for roots and wrath...pretty underused because nature damage is rare
advantages for dwarves
stone form in order to negate all poisons and increase incredible advantage for situations where a rogue is on you. just wingclip, stoneform, and the rogue is off of you. also negates hunter poisons and warrior bleeds if you want, so it's decent against those classes too.
frost resist for mainly mages. also helps a bit with frost shock. mages are not much a threat unless it is a fire glass cannon though. frost shocking shamans can be a threat though. still it's not much more useful than nature resist, but i think it's better.
guns have increased stuff, i forget what it is, but if you use a gun then you'll have more crit or something. pretty useful.
stone form > shadowmeld imo
frost resist > nature resist imo
gun improvement > dodge improvement imo
chest finding > wisp movement, unless you die alot in pve (which won't happen if you have a pet). wisp movement is a bit better for pvp but isn't a huge deal.
gogo female dwarf hunter.