Making a rogue..

Word @SpikeTheSilent.

BoAs offer +Hit without any major loss on the armor-pieces, which makes them really good.

You don't NEED any BoAs though.
Lola had some talent, Tom.

No one in the world takes sinister calling over malice. DON'T BELIEVE IN FALSE PROPHETS. Eviscerate is EVERYTHING in this bracket, and for pure damage Imp Evis should never be given up. I made the mistake of trying a new spec without Imp Gouge and I can honestly say it's the worst decision I ever made, in my life. I firmly believe it is the bread and butter of rogue control.

We all make the same mistakes with rogue, concentrating on pure stats. AP scales terribly on all key abilities at 49, the only offensive stats you should be stacking is crit and hit. On this reasoning, sinister calling would give you around 2% crit, for 5 points, compared to 5% malice. The other components of agility are useless in 49, as is the pathetic increase on hemo damage. I cannot stress the importance of crit stacking enough. THIS IS THE MOST BENEFICIAL OFFENSIVE STAT FOR A ROGUE IN 49 AFTER HIT CAP. FORGET AP. FORGET AP. A 500AP rogue with 25% crit will generally be a lot more devastating than an 800AP 15% crit rogue. Because of successive probabilities the chances of chain crits are a lot more significant than the 10% crit difference would suggest. What we are interested in is chain crits.

YES, MY ROGUE IS NOT CRIT BASED. If i had the time, and funding, from a certain South African I would completely re-do my rogue. Stamina is nowhere near as useful in 49 as it is in 39. I could tank mage damage in 39 with 3.3K hp, here a mage can almost 2 shot through 3.3K hp.

Spec improved gouge, profit.

P.S It's logic, not preference. I want to thank myself for this informative post, how can I do that?
As far as I'm concerned I've reached the skill cap. There's only so much you can do as a rogue, and I know every trick in the book. Me, Skad, Kopnuss can all play flawlessly, in both duels, 2v2, 3v3, it's just a massive shame that we need to have completely perfect openers and resets in this bracket to be anywhere near effective. We know the situations, but unfortunately if you get FOR EXAMPLE, charged out of vanish from 30 yards away, death coiled out of vanish even though you vanish it at the same time, or I DUNNO EVERYONE CRUTCHING ON CHAINS OF ERANIKUS what the fuck can we do apart from one agm reset?

I can tell you right now mine and Skads win ratio is well over 70%. Me Kopnuss and Skad also won three games out of 10 against brutal, res and Ishh - all highly skilled players. The bracket unfortunately is just terribly flawed and does not reward skill, only blowing cooldowns and hoping at a global kill. Thats the way it is. SO DON'T YOU FUCKING TALK ABOUT SKILL.
I think anytime anything RL comes into a flaming conversation, you've lost the fight :p.
Firstly I'd never play 19 rogue twink again.

Secondly, we do have a great laugh in here, you guys have provided a decent level of comedy.


I don't have a phd, just a degree. In MATH.

The 500lb guy has a choice to lose weight, the black guy is born black - he cannot change it. Strong argument. Can we have some more racist comments please?

I'm not quite sure what those testicle shape blue things are on my eye. I grade this F, it's a very bad piece of art.

Describe your first sexual experience please, or I'm going to have to conclude that you are a virgin, and you have not licked a clit.
No, actually I reset it because none of you were remotely on topic.

Furthermore I'm considering doing it again. Failed assumption on your part.
If you read the original topic, my first significant post was constructive and provided a nice academic background.

I would have thought that a secondary reason for deleting the posts was because of the racist comments. What are TI moderators stance on this?
Why do you think it's still there?

Everything after the 1st page was a pile of shit.
The raciest comments are obviously a no. I've already talked to people about it and taken whatever appropriate actions.

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