making a 39twink warlock.

armory ohsodotdot - he has everything you want in terms of gear

I would recommend assembling all of the BOEs before rolling - some of the gear you need is very rare and can be frustrating waiting on the AH to doll it out to you once 39.
Sockdolager said:
armory ohsodotdot - he has everything you want in terms of gear

I would recommend assembling all of the BOEs before rolling - some of the gear you need is very rare and can be frustrating waiting on the AH to doll it out to you once 39.

our if you want more survivability you can go with gear like [char=Skywall]Supership[/char]

I usually do just as much or more damage than twinks using that glass cannon, shadow damage gear. I spend less time sitting in the GY waiting to rez.
go down like 10 threads to SL Lock. Ton of armories there. Look up myself, Inkubi - turalyon, or Fwazzy - jaedenar and dotjungjm if you need a few other examples. Affliction + full shadow gear does a lot of dmg, but unless you are extremely good at hiding/running you are going to have almost equal number of deaths as KBs. 19/11/0 or 8/14/8 provide a ton better survivability.
Specc SL / Affliction. Stack stam to about 2800+hp and then stack spellpower. For complete epic unkillableness, do this.


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