Making a 29 retri pala

Hi=) i have decided to make a 29 pala and i really would likesome help. my main focus is dps. but i dont want to lack hp since hunters do really nice damage in this bracket.:) I have used to plan my twink. follow this link and you will see what my current plans are. Notice that i got 2 buffs, Kings and the 300 skinning buff.

And i know i dont have boa gear since i'm spending my marks

on other twinks.

So what do you think? tell me if i should add something.:)
Healingbabe said:
Hi=) i have decided to make a 29 pala and i really would likesome help. my main focus is dps. but i dont want to lack hp since hunters do really nice damage in this bracket.:) I have used to plan my twink. follow this link and you will see what my current plans are. Notice that i got 2 buffs, Kings and the 300 skinning buff.

And i know i dont have boa gear since i'm spending my marks

on other twinks.

So what do you think? tell me if i should add something.:)

Did u considered sparkshell shoulders and u shoude get a charger gear ring insted

of the seal of wynn

Oh and also consider specc for sancttity of battle
the sparkshell shoulder got less stats but more armor so i think the watchman shoulders are a bit better. About the ring i'm not sure, so i'll think a bit about it=) thx

Btwa bout the spec. I dont know what i should remove points from to get the Sanctity og battle. If anyone got a nice spec for 29 pala i would like som advice.
Healingbabe said:
the sparkshell shoulder got less stats but more armor so i think the watchman shoulders are a bit better. About the ring i'm not sure, so i'll think a bit about it=) thx

Btwa bout the spec. I dont know what i should remove points from to get the Sanctity og battle. If anyone got a nice spec for 29 pala i would like som advice.

My specc is pretty good but u can choose on you own if u want in

mp BoM or not just check my twink and there she is
is the pursuit of justice worth 2 points? its really nice with 15% movment speed, but as i can see on your spec u dont have it, and isn't it better to use Kings then might?
Healingbabe said:
is the pursuit of justice worth 2 points? its really nice with 15% movment speed, but as i can see on your spec u dont have it,

Well u got ab boots so its not a big lose
Healingbabe said:
I have made a new spec now and uppdated the link.

:eek: dident saw u had parry talanted why do u have it?

i useually never die when i got mana and its quit hard to keep it up as u want judgment of light to get health regen from hitting
hmm lol i'm actually not sure about that=/ and the benedecation is idd better=) gonna change that now^^ anything else?
Healingbabe said:
hmm lol i'm actually not sure about that=/ and the benedecation is idd better=) gonna change that now^^ anything else?

nah i think its good just consider the ring and maby RFK legs to just thought of them:)
Healingbabe said:
yes indeed=) now its only the farming left^^ but the wrynn isn't that bad cause you get stam,int,str and agy^^

true its a nice backup if u cant get a charger whit right stats
You should get BoA :)
Armory looks good. The only thing that needs to change is the shoulders

Azure shoulderguards of the soldier, Sword deck random enchant boe reward

Also, Spec perry. It is far superior because when you perry an attack, your swing timer is reset to zero. So this mens you could get a hit, perry an attack, and get another hit nearly instantly. Spec pursuit of justice, just do it. Disarm reduction is reason enough to take it. Kiting sprinting rogues with JoJ hand of freedom and pursuit of justice 15 percent movement speed is just cake.

Take two out of conviction.

As said before, tiger charged gear..

Good luck
Vallei said:
Armory looks good. The only thing that needs to change is the shoulders

Azure shoulderguards of the soldier, Sword deck random enchant boe reward

Also, Spec perry. It is far superior because when you perry an attack, your swing timer is reset to zero. So this mens you could get a hit, perry an attack, and get another hit nearly instantly. Spec pursuit of justice, just do it. Disarm reduction is reason enough to take it. Kiting sprinting rogues with JoJ hand of freedom and pursuit of justice 15 percent movement speed is just cake.

Take two out of conviction.

As said before, tiger charged gear..

Good luck

If u know how to play u dont need disarm reduction as u shoude be able to getaway whitout even need inc movement speed but the parry thingie might be a viable option

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