US #MakeThisBracketGreatAgain!

So if you have been playing feral druid since the beginning then it suddenly became OP you have to stop playing it? amazing AMAZING!
That must have been ALOT of vanilla feral/tank spec players then.
If your opponent loses because you one-shot him
Let's be real here....Lets not stay 20 and gimp ourselves when we own the game lol

So by that logic, if you own the game you should only play at lvl 100 and all of your low lvl twinks are gimped right?

Perhaps it's unreasonable to discourage people from chasing away the people that made this bracket popular in the first place. Do you like even slower Queues? Because that's how you get even slower queues.
to be honest, ferals in right hands always been strong.
if you wish to be associated with all the wannabes of today - sure don't stop.
Cant say i have any respect left for old cata ferals i see in bgs today, but only my opinion.

i'll +1 this.
The bracket would need to have been great at some point in it's history for it to be "great again".

The 29 bracket was incredible back at the very beginning of TBC. In fact we held awesome 10v10 private games cross battle groups consistently and had a great and very active arena scene.

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