Mage help!

i use the staff from mage q with 5 hit + green bracers from ally q 2sta 2 int 2 hit check my sig will also go for this ring from dm (check mysig)

specc if you wanna D / got a good fc with you frost would be best but else i go as arcan
Tikxlongshot said:
Waterpump, it looks good, but you don't have capped hit, which can be fatal as a frost mage.

And u good sir should GTFO of this forum. It's f2p not p2p. Go to the 20-29 forums scrub.
killthrill said:
And u good sir should GTFO of this forum. It's f2p not p2p. Go to the 20-29 forums scrub.

And you sir need a job so you can be P2P too, so far the maturity of the f2p community is low, they hate 24's and boa noob, grow and get a real account and get the gear normally you peices of shit who cry if shit aint free.
Tikxlongshot said:
And you sir need a job so you can be P2P too, so far the maturity of the f2p community is low, they hate 24's and boa noob, grow and get a real account and get the gear normally you peices of shit who cry if shit aint free.

Its not about the damn money you tard.

Im pretty sure that the majority of people rolling F2P are more mature then those rolling P2P to PWN NUBS as a OP 24 hunter. And by "pretty sure" I mean "Absolutely ****ing sure"

Your a big boy that can spend all your hard earned cash on a.... video game.... to own low lvls. Does that sound mature to you?

The fact that you absolutely can not even grasp the reason why were doing this also points at low development in the brain region. I could go on, I mean, 19 hunter? The way you express yourself?

Your even so bad that you have no interest in doing arena with us.
Medan give it up you faggot. This bracket is dead whether you like it or not. You can't stop the 24's and I'm seeing more and more of them everyday. Last week it was limited to maybe 1 per side, but today during a peak hour, I got into a bg with 5 24's allt side and 4 24's horde side. The only way this will change is if the developers pull their heads out of their asses and stick trials to their own special bracket, but that would require you and all your other friend to pull your heads out too and do something other than bitch and moan. You want 24's to stay out of this forum? Then stay out of the 20-29 main forum complaining to 24's trying to mind there own business. Cock sucking faggot.
Kharma said:
Medan give it up you faggot. This bracket is dead whether you like it or not. You can't stop the 24's and I'm seeing more and more of them everyday. Last week it was limited to maybe 1 per side, but today during a peak hour, I got into a bg with 5 24's allt side and 4 24's horde side. The only way this will change is if the developers pull their heads out of their asses and stick trials to their own special bracket, but that would require you and all your other friend to pull your heads out too and do something other than bitch and moan. You want 24's to stay out of this forum? Then stay out of the 20-29 main forum complaining to 24's trying to mind there own business. Cock sucking faggot.

hehe, made my day. I guess last night in the shower didn't go as you planned. Or 24 twinking for that matter.

You thought you would dominate, yet you end up being bent over by 20's, well thanks for telling us how it felt.

Your post reaks of hurt feelings and a precious 24 twink flower that never got in the sunshine, rather where it dont shine

So, other then talk about how negative 24's are on the forum and how to heal the bracket we should "Give up", "take our heads out of our asses" and.. Drive over to blizzard and talk to them?

Blizzard doesn't give a shit and most of the people rolling 24's are from this very forum.
Tikxlongshot said:
And you sir need a job so you can be P2P too, so far the maturity of the f2p community is low, they hate 24's and boa noob, grow and get a real account and get the gear normally you peices of shit who cry if shit aint free.

Completely missing the point of the f2p bracket, which is less "OMGUSEETHOSENUMBERSKID!?" burst from BOA gear and high level enchants. Aimed Shot isn't hard. Concussive Shot isn't hard. Explosive Shot isn't hard. Do you really need a 27% crit chance and double the AP of everyone else in a bracket to succeed?

Edit: Sorry for helping derail this thread. Mage advice: Stay mobile, peel for your healers. Polymorph is your most important spell.
Tikxlongshot said:
And you sir need a job so you can be P2P too, so far the maturity of the f2p community is low, they hate 24's and boa noob, grow and get a real account and get the gear normally you peices of shit who cry if shit aint free.

It's not about the god damn money, I pay for 2 different WoW accounts while playing on a trial account.
I think there's only certain trainers that give out the quest, and they're specific to your race. At least that's what I found for the priest staff quest. It'd be worth checking on wowhead to find the right one.

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