Mage CC Set [What Should I Change?]

This is my Crowd Control/Defensive/Support gear set for my mage. Pleas tell em what you think, and where I can improve. Thankyou. v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Its basically a gear set for "survival" in the arena. I need alot of mana/hp.

Pretty sure this is the best I can get, but I have no idea.

- Abrahms

<Twink Info>
Some minor things:

Cape : Spidersilk or Tranquilin will be better, because fire mages are very rare

Wrists : Mindthrust Bracers give more stats

You forgot to add weapons on your chardev char.

Trinket : get a PvP trainket to switch out
I'd suggest using Dawnblade over Nightwatch - dawnblade gives 5 stam, nightwatch gives 4, as Twinky says - go with Spidersilk, the hit is amazing

*edit* also...What is with your spec? XD Imp. Frostbolt is needed 100% imo

Bloody Apron if you're looking at a set that is more Cc based over balance.

Dawnblade over Nightwatch, its an easy choice.

10 haste to gloves and use rank 1 Frostbolt if you arn't already.

Buccaneer's Bracers of stamina (4 stam) for the same reason as Bloody Apron.

and I would personally go with a Bloodring instead of the PvP ring.
Abrahms said:
Its basically a gear set for "survival" in the arena. I need alot of mana/hp.

All my comments will be based on this fact, I'm not taking WSG into account at all. It would also help if you knew who you were gonna run with in arenas, because it might affect gear choices.

-Tree Bark can only have 4stats, not six.

-I would use 2/2 eagle bracers with 9 stam for arena, if you're main roll is CC mana won't be a huge issue, and losing 50 health is rough. You'll have conjured water to keep your mana up as well.

-10 haste to gloves is very sexy, it reduces cast time of Rank 1 Frostbolt by .05 seconds, and Poly by about .075, both of which are nice.

-Use an Insignia instead of a second AGM, it will save your life much more often than 120 extra hp will.

-Dawnblade main hand.

-For CC you want 5/5 Imp. Frostbolt, it makes Rank 1 only a one second cast. Ice Floes isn't great since it only affects Frost Nova at this level. Ice Shards is also kinda worthless if you're the CC of the team and you're running with a DPS.
just thinking about the race as well, wouldnt belf be slightly better for the arcane torrent racial? surely a silence would help quite a bit as well?

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