Maelstrom versus Omgmom

Orcgasm said:
A very good priest, pretty much how I play my 60 (again, with a few more buttons). Only thing I didn't understand is why at 0:15 you jumped off the platform, when you can kite along the edge with a dot on him, and wand him on his way back up.

Probably something I don't know about 19 priests v rogues, but either way, good vid.

The rogue is standing in a spot where I cannot damage him without jumping down, he isn't coming up to chase me(cause that would be bad decision which would've resulted in him losing a good bit of health before touching me) so the dot would've worn off If I stayed on the second floor, resulting in a restealth and another opener on me.
Just to clearify, OMGMOM isn't near as the best in EU. He's pretty good at Rouge v Rogue, thats all.

I'll happily play an US druid, but atm I have 500 latency on EU realms, so can't imagine what it'd be on US realms :p

I'm just saying, give me a druid, and I'll hapilly play against and with you guys :)
Im not even near the best in eu? wow, i need some names now bragh!
Saxxon said:
Im not even near the best in eu? wow, i need some names now bragh!

You're only good at RvR. Maybe 2v2. The rest, I've never ever been impressed by you, in ANY way. And I'm impressed by players able to save their CD's for flag returns.. THAT says it all imo.

pS: Du har et allt allt for stort ego, bare så du vet det, men søt er du kanskje! Eller ikke, hvem vet inte du, hvem vet inte jag.
Bragh said:
You're only good at RvR. Maybe 2v2. The rest, I've never ever been impressed by you, in ANY way. And I'm impressed by players able to save their CD's for flag returns.. THAT says it all imo.

You are such a tool. Impressed by players able to save their CD's for flag returns? Oh you mean in warsong gulch pug's wich i care so much about? I've said it before and i'll say it again, i have no interest whatsoever when it comes to warsong, only times i go there is to stalk malec abit..

So, give me the names of the really pro ones then? :p

Saxxon said:
You are such a tool. Impressed by players able to save their CD's for flag returns? Oh you mean in warsong gulch pug's wich i care so much about? I've said it before and i'll say it again, i have no interest whatsoever when it comes to warsong, only times i go there is to stalk malec abit..

So, give me the names of the really pro ones then? :p


As said, you're probably a dueler, why take on the name of being Eu's best... It's stupid, it's somehting you've said yourself. Trickery, Vaj, Shazzrah, Bedbug, (ryrith...... kk not rly) Fearmonger, Ovation, Rastaman. They're someone I'd take over you, ANY day :)

My opinion may be based on the Omgscrub thingie from Cyclone.... Cause you really sucked back then >.<
Bragh said:
As said, you're probably a dueler, why take on the name of being Eu's best... It's stupid, it's somehting you've said yourself. Trickery, Vaj, Shazzrah, Bedbug, (ryrith...... kk not rly) Fearmonger, Ovation, Rastaman. They're someone I'd take over you, ANY day :)

My opinion may be based on the Omgscrub thingie from Cyclone.... Cause you really sucked back then >.<

Once again you start talking about to players that were concidered best.... for 1 or 2 years ago?
Bragh said:
As said, you're probably a dueler, why take on the name of being Eu's best... It's stupid, it's somehting you've said yourself. Trickery, Vaj, Shazzrah, Bedbug, (ryrith...... kk not rly) Fearmonger, Ovation, Rastaman. They're someone I'd take over you, ANY day :)

My opinion may be based on the Omgscrub thingie from Cyclone.... Cause you really sucked back then >.<

Omgmom gave me quite the headache for only being a night elf, just sayin.
hao did he get banned so quick?

sry... just curious

and i liekd the vid! 22 SR is insane. u did very well considering.
Crilicilyn said:
hao did he get banned so quick?

sry... just curious

and i liekd the vid! 22 SR is insane. u did very well considering.

His main account has been banned in the past, we don't allow people to recreate new accounts after being ip banned.

I believe this duel was the one without any SR (may be wrong here) as the first post states 1-2 in SR duels and 1-0 without SR.
HAI stormfist! when you comming back?

Also, movie still sucks. can't believe people are rating it this high.
Crilicilyn said:
hao did he get banned so quick?

sry... just curious

and i liekd the vid! 22 SR is insane. u did very well considering.

This was the one without, the 22sr duel was kinda dumb imo.
Maelstromz said:
This was the one without, the 22sr duel was kinda dumb imo.

Yo you tried dueling someone with Exploited resist on head? 15+6+6+20 Nature res (vs my druid ofc), that is rly dumb imo :'(

Roots hit but lasting less than a sec, Wooohoooo! :)
No offense Mael, you have the priest rotations down, but Oh God do you suck at pain manegment. I saw 2 different opportunities that you could have won the dual had SW:p been up. Just keep in mind it breaks bandaging which is major, and keeps the rogue in combat so they don't even get the chance to bandage in the first place.
Bragh said:
Yo you tried dueling someone with Exploited resist on head? 15+6+6+20 Nature res (vs my druid ofc), that is rly dumb imo :'(

Roots hit but lasting less than a sec, Wooohoooo! :)

I can only imagine =p
McBankington said:
No offense Mael, you have the priest rotations down, but Oh God do you suck at pain manegment. I saw 2 different opportunities that you could have won the dual had SW:p been up. Just keep in mind it breaks bandaging which is major, and keeps the rogue in combat so they don't even get the chance to bandage in the first place.

You are incorrect, sir.
Bragh said:
As said, you're probably a dueler, why take on the name of being Eu's best... It's stupid, it's somehting you've said yourself. Trickery, Vaj, Shazzrah, Bedbug, (ryrith...... kk not rly) Fearmonger, Ovation, Rastaman. They're someone I'd take over you, ANY day :)

My opinion may be based on the Omgscrub thingie from Cyclone.... Cause you really sucked back then >.<

I love how Bláckóut ain't on that list Bragh. Class :p. Or Saku for that matter.

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