US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

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Sick.... Havnt been many premades in a while it seems. WTB Hass to live stream like WT/GuP
Roses are red

Violets are blue

I hope MGC wins
do you think it will work out with the queing system? how do you plan to organize it? i'm just curious because a premade EU failed because of the stupid 5-player queing only
weve had some limited success with getting premades going so far- had 2 or 3 early cata but since then we have been unable to get qs to line up trying to get 4 5 mans into the same wsg
I'll most likely livestream it. Many people are frapsing too.

please provide a link sometime soon
Good luck, have fun, stray straight, don't cheat.

Someone also livestream. Preferably 4 at once would be cool. One of each of the O's and one from each of the D's. And for God's sake don't use Xfire. Use like. Jtv or something... I personally use < > and it works fine.
Now that we have a premade schedule everyone makes their requests like they're paying for pay per view... everyone is lucky to have someone stream because that hinders their latency no matter how good of a connection or computer you have.
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