LVL 5 Epic Duel Tournament of Death


Hey TI long time no see! I have a new fun PVP challenge for you guys! Here's the concept: You make a character, you level him to 5 and you bring him to a chosen city to duel other 5's! How is that a challenge you ask? Well since f2p cant exp lock you have a limited number of monsters to kill, places to visit, quests to do etc... So the goal is to make the strongest lvl 5 and parking him in the duel city without leveling to 6! What you guys think about this? I think it could become very competitive (with people coming up with new strategies every toon they make).
Fun idea, reminds me of a mini-game I used to play on Diablo II.
Maybe raise the level limit to level 10 (or level 11 if you don't want ridiculous stat scaling) and ban healing specs? Like Adal mentioned, there's going to be a massive imbalance if you cap it at 5... hunters, priests and druids would steamroll everything else.
Hiya Atsuro!

This could be a great idea, I'm in for sure!
Personally I don't think there should be a reason to ban a whole class, there might be a another way to solve a bit of the class imbalance. Have you considered a higher level? If you made it level 8, most classes would have just received certain clutch spells. Abilities like HoJ, evasion, flash heal, bearform and counterspell which could make the tournament that much more dynamic. It also gives people more greens and more time to travel to exciting locations for the matches such as Gurubashi Arena, Nagrand Arena

Another idea to have 2v2 teams in Guru. This might somewhat fix your class imbalance issue
I used to did a lot of low lvl tournament, and you can completely ignore it, but from my experience:
- Lvl 1 f2ps are balanced if you kick out hunter
- Lvl 5 f2ps will be balanced if you kick out druid, priest and hunter, making games boring
- Lvl 10 f2ps are cool, BUT you can get boosted in deadmines / RFC for gear, which makes the fighting more like Have-Friends-To-Win. Either you accept that as fine, OR option nr 2 - restrict everyone to white / grey gear and ban healing spec. This worked perfect for me so far, because even if balance druid can heal forever, there are many classes to overburst him. If you chose white / grey gear only you can have good competitive arenas, and maybe even wargame wsg!
Thx for your ideas guys i'll try to find the most balanced option for the level. Also we could make weekly tournaments maybe? Im not very good to organize events tho.
Ill find to send all boas to my lvl5 toon. A lvl5 f2p with boas. If it is fair for lvl20, is fair for lvl5 also. /kiddin
Here's a philosophical question for you all. You're talking about eliminating some classes from this experiment because they would be way overpowered compared to other classes. Let's assume for the moment that that is true... why should that matter? The purpose of the experiment is to build the best possible lvl5 character, right? Even if you eliminate the 3 most powerful classes, whatever was the 4th is now the 1st, and that's still going to be what people gravitate towards.

It's not like battlegrounds, where everyone ought to be able to have at least a fighting chance because they should be able to play the character they want. Here, you're making a character just for the purpose of seeing how powerful you can make a lvl5. So even if every character in the experiment ends up being, say, a druid, because for whatever reason druids are the most powerful class, then your challenge is -still- to make the most powerful character [druid] that you can in 5 levels. That's still a valuable experiment and will take a lot of thinking.

In summary, in BGs you want every class to be at least reasonably viable. In this experiment, you want to make the single most powerful character possible, which will always mean playing the most powerful class, even if you eliminate some other classes. So forget about eliminating classes and just make that one class as good as you can in 5 levels.

Besides, some people might surprise you with what they come up with to counter it. Don't rob people of that opportunity to experiment.
Kincaide opened my eyes.
Server: Aerie Peak US
City: Razor Hill (South of Orgrimmar) Horde side
Class Restriction: None
Level: 5
Rules: No P2P Enchants/Gears/Items. Apart from that you can use anything while you duel. (F2p Potions, Buffs etc..)

Good luck everyone try to come up with good strats and stuff. I'll tell you when the first edition of the tournament begins!
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Omg totally forgot about blingtron! BTW the tournament will start this weekend! Saturday most likely. I'll come train with you guys i just need to download the f2p addon.
Sorry guys i cant login my computer isn't very cooperative i cant even get past the launcher. WTB new PC
I'm very interested as well. I'll start a class soon and join in.

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