lvl 24 Fury warrior


I was on my level 24 xp capped fury twink today and id like to show you the score board..... Also rate my twink and id like tips on gear please.


We only farmed GY on the last 2 minutes.. it was me and a healer only though

Videos will be posted.

^ hes doing it right

sader MH

15 str OH
DUDE no way your twink is named that, look at my 80 paladin twink almost same name lol.

In my book a screenshot where a person got an incredible amount of KBs suggests that BG or class in question was unbalanced. SO since we all know warriors are not in top 3 best classes list, and this character dose not have the overrated honorary "i am BiS" title, I am leaning towards the unbalanced BG explanation.
That shammy is kinda low. He could have healed you more than he did. Your damage can pe improved since I can deal up to 40k damage per bg as lvl 20 disci priest (f2p) and 30k healing done. Cya in bgs
I was doing 50% of the healing..

You're a healbotted warrior with a massive gear and level advantage. Sorry but your numbers are unimpressive. I'm far more impressed with the warrior who managed a comperable KB/death ratio with 11 returns, all while his team was getting farmed. Maybe you should be asking him for pointers instead.

Kudos on the keybinds though, at first glance I wouldn't have expected those.
...I tell you about TidyPlates and you get them immediately.

You also did pretty terrible for a 24 warrior.
I agree with the people who are much more impressed with the guy who has 11 returns.

No pro would go through a 27 minute game that was THAT active and not get any flag caps or returns.
Question, why are 24s choosing stealth to cloak over 15 nature resist? It seems like a melee class, who could find themselves dealing with roots, earthbind totems, thunderstorms and rogue poisons could benefit heftily from the resistance, especially since few races can afford the spell pen trinket if they have agm (and none of the above classes would be a human or caster to free a trinket slot)

When I roll a 24 rogue, he's getting 15 nature resist.


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