lvl 15 haste stack twink.



PÃste my lvl 15 pally complete

and DrØØîd druid in progress.

check dps n spell casts most at least halved on caster

what pplz think?
thomzyx said:

PÃste my lvl 15 pally complete

and DrØØîd druid in progress.

check dps n spell casts most at least halved on caster

what pplz think?

Haste for a level 15 is terrible. When you level past 10, you are taking a leap into less benefit from haste, more-so than any other level difference.

EDIT: Besides the haste problem, you have some solid twinks, if you are into 15s. Your best bet would be leveling to 19, since you already have the hat.
Twink at Ten for haste or don't twink at all for haste unless your a CC mage at 19 =/
i would agree.. however my pallys dps is sittin at 43 dps compared other decently geared lvl 19s ive seen whose dps sits about 35 or so

Even though you appear to hit harder, at 19 your abilities are better than the abilities at 15...

Atleast at level 10 you can lol at people that try to chase you when you kite :p
canihascookie said:
Even though you appear to hit harder, at 19 your abilities are better than the abilities at 15...

Atleast at level 10 you can lol at people that try to chase you when you kite :p

Listen to canihascookie. He is my master and I am his apprentice. When I am ready to become a master, I will present a masterpiece, which will be judged by the master council of the profession (twinking at 10). If my masterpiece is sufficient enough to be judged as made-by-a-master, I will become a master and get a job, a steady inflow of shillings, and the ability to teach other apprentices.

EDIT: inb4 cool story bro
thomzyx said:
i dunoo im still not convinced.

Lemme put it to you this way...

You may have more health, more mana, more abilities, and a "bigger" white dps range, but when it comes to stacking haste, stay at level ten or don't do it at all... You lose so much DPS from leveling 5 times when stacking haste.
haste stack twink, huh?? You only got 10 haste on gloves, thats not called stacking.
haste stack twink, huh?? You only got 10 haste on gloves, thats not called stacking.

I'm going to assume since his Shoulder, Chest and both Trinket slots are empty that he has BoAs and that they're on another character so he could have 2 of the haste trinkets. I'm also assuming he's got a 2H weapon with counterweight on.
Hurpdurp said:
I'm going to assume since his Shoulder, Chest and both Trinket slots are empty that he has BoAs and that they're on another character so he could have 2 of the haste trinkets. I'm also assuming he's got a 2H weapon with counterweight on.
hopefuly but you can never be sure...
Quelfep said:
Listen to canihascookie. He is my master and I am his apprentice. When I am ready to become a master, I will present a masterpiece, which will be judged by the master council of the profession (twinking at 10). If my masterpiece is sufficient enough to be judged as made-by-a-master, I will become a master and get a job, a steady inflow of shillings, and the ability to teach other apprentices.

cool story bro
thomzyx said:

PÃste my lvl 15 pally complete

and DrØØîd druid in progress.

check dps n spell casts most at least halved on caster

what pplz think?

Already tried. It fails. Enjoy your fail.

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