Lvl 10 priest


hey i am thinking of making a 10 priest and was wondering what race and spec is the best?
I'd have to say worgen then.. It might sound weird, but the "sprint" is quite nice for kiting melees, especially in duels.

Why not human? Its good to get 2x agm, but tbh as a hybrid class, a good amount of resilience will get you a long way, so its better to just use the heirloom pvp trink, instead of 2x agm.

Why not dwarf? Ugly and bad.

Why not gnome? Escape artist is quite good and if you're more into that kind of thing go ahead, but imo i'd want the sprint instead.

Why not nighelf? You will get a vanish, but again, it just wont cut it compared to sprint.

Did i miss any?
nvm ill just lvl a troll priest to lvl 10 get the horde gear i need and transfer after a while
You can faction change to a worgen/goblin. You can also do the group trick. Get in a group, kill yourself so you won't get xp from kills, all the way til the end. You should be like a lvl 9 when done

I just realized... why rez an old thread...?
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