Lvl 10-14 Warsong

Pizza said:
There will be no pops. The 19 bracket is far superior and most players who played level 10s have 19s. So, they have switched over and the ones who haven't either A) don't have a 19 or can't compete in the bracket without the resilience crutch on a level 10.

Pizza you be trollin. Why can't you leave them alone? How are they hurting you? Respond to this one, please.
bankbeauty said:
Sorry but I've been playing 10s before resil buff and was really competitive. I decided to stay 10s anyway.

I'll admit that, I never had a problem with 10s 3.3.5, it was a cool minority-esque thing then; that no one really properly moaned at, since it was just people playing to have a bit of fun.

Resilience 10s wasn't, it a was game breaking, ridiculous way to "play" and if you really loved your 10 Twink THAT MUCH, following the over-exposure, no self-respecting level 10 pre 4.0.1 should've used Resilience. Was just an opportunity to "hahapwn" that all the cretins that played Sub Rogues got their greasy little mitts on.

But again, aslong as the community is small, you should be able to have restrictions on level 10 Resi Twinks in 10-14 BGs. If there's a retard in his Resi Gear "trying to have fun" refuse to play with it. It should, in the 10-14 BG, ruin 19 other players game. Make sure you don't invite those downies to play.

Best of luck, sincerely.
The sad thing is that level 10's could pwn Sub Rogues without resilience.........well at least my level 10 warrior could. All you had to do was have enough health to survive the Ambush and then just make sure you keep them in front of you. They die on your shield spike faster then they can get on the forums and complain about "that exploiting level 10 wtih resilience"

Wish I still had that screenshot from the old forums when a rogue tried to call me out for that and I showed him the recap of him ambush critting me for 982 and still losing.

I hope we can get this thing going. I think level 10's who enjoy playing level 10's, and not just rolling up fotm resilience stackers or enti hackers, could police the bracket just fine. The problem is that the legit level 10's were pretty rare to begin with. I only know of a handful of dedicated level 10 players from my original battlegroup. I'd probably be more worried about level 14 huntards, but, I don't think we're going to get a chance to see what the bracket would shape up to be. I haven't seen a que pop since the split. The only pvp I can get is duels or at The Crossroads. I've got my level 10 parked there with his pvp on.
Kahr said:
Pizza may not like 10s, I didnt. They hurt 19 pvp. Im glad theyre gone personally. But I see Pizza just giving tough love.

10's were around as long as 19's. For a mere 4 weeks 10's reigned supreme for the 1st time in 10-19 wsg history. W/O resil are your sentiments the same? Glad they are gone? Did they hurt pvp before the resil? Will this thread be stopped by a Mod?
Pretty much the whole of WoW's non-twink player base hates all twinks with a passion, because in the past some twinks (especially in the 10-19 bracket) completely ruined BGs for them.

And now 19s are hating on 10s they're never going to play against again, because for an even shorter time, some 10s did the same thing.

Do I sense just a little bit of hypocrisy in that?
pereith said:
Pretty much the whole of WoW's non-twink player base hates all twinks with a passion, because in the past some twinks (especially in the 10-19 bracket) completely ruined BGs for them.

And now 19s are hating on 10s they're never going to play against again, because for an even shorter time, some 10s did the same thing.

Do I sense just a little bit of hypocrisy in that?

No sorry we are the hypocrite because we did Ruin their bracket with resillience and now try to remove it from our bracket so we're just some asshole hypocrite. (<--Sarcasm)

You're exactly right!
Khanodruid said:

I'm just giving them a hard time because they plagued our bracket for the month they were in it with the resilience buff. The majority of them had this attitude that it was their bracket, but before the resilience buff hardly any of them existed. Therefor, I am happy that they've been taken out of our bracket so they can see how small their population really is.

Never liked having level 10s in our bracket prior to the resilience buff either. They would only hurt the team they were on and help the opposing team.

Anyways, you won't catch me posting in the 10-14 forum anymore.
Ioerror said:
10's were around as long as 19's. For a mere 4 weeks 10's reigned supreme for the 1st time in 10-19 wsg history. W/O resil are your sentiments the same? Glad they are gone? Did they hurt pvp before the resil? Will this thread be stopped by a Mod?

Yeah, before that they were just worthless, it was basically running 9v10 if you had a level 10 on your team.
Falaris said:
Yeah, before that they were just worthless, it was basically running 9v10 if you had a level 10 on your team.

Not true. I often ended in top healing pre 4.0.1 Simply because of haste stacking and Holy Light Spamming.
bankbeauty said:
Not true. I often ended in top healing pre 4.0.1 Simply because of haste stacking and Holy Light Spamming.

I confirm. I also played a priest twink 10 on a French battlegroup before patch 4.0.1 and it remains very competitive as supports. Haste rating at level 10 can help a player in trouble faster than other healers. But it is true that if no team is here to help, level 10 would die easily. He just needed to integrate the game at level 10 with the game levels 19. Please do not constantly seek conflict, seek understanding.

Returning to the original subject. I want to know if the 10-14 bg can start somewhere. I am ready to migrate my priest if this is possible. One idea would be to identify the characters 10 on a post (with link to the armory), to see the number of active players?

Sorry my bad english.
Wow not sure what lvl 10s you guys have played with but the weren't worthless, not sure who remembers him but glaidar or whatever his name was was good, didn't have that good of gear either and was a bit annoying but at the time I would have rather had him on my side than a lot of 19s. I played a haste hunter and healers had trouble healing through his shots, same on my rogue. Had a shamy too, the haste/mp5 was fun. Idk I didn't die easy when playing any of them, hunter did best. Playing against them never had a problem either. Best 10 twink I played against was bamfcow and some hunter from FoW but he was long ago
After reading this thread I can honestly say anyone who is insulting lvl 10s here is a butthurt hypocrite with no idea what they're talking about. Started realizing this when you said lvl 10s were useless pre 4.0. Wrecking ball and Ironman in one game is not worthless. And about lvl 10 resil twinks, just mad we scrape you outside Org. Pretty funny. You guys gotta remember what twinking is.
Sav of the Horde said:
After reading this thread I can honestly say anyone who is insulting lvl 10s here is a butthurt hypocrite with no idea what they're talking about. Started realizing this when you said lvl 10s were useless pre 4.0. Wrecking ball and Ironman in one game is not worthless. And about lvl 10 resil twinks, just mad we scrape you outside Org. Pretty funny. You guys gotta remember what twinking is.

Well. Said.!

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