Lvl 10-14 Warsong

That would be funny - just a bunch of lvl 10's hitting each other for 20 damage and no caps the game - what an image -.-
zackjdl said:
Just wondering, what kind of queue times are there for this new bracket? Are there even pops?

There will be no pops. The 19 bracket is far superior and most players who played level 10s have 19s. So, they have switched over and the ones who haven't either A) don't have a 19 or can't compete in the bracket without the resilience crutch on a level 10.
Well put pizza, lolol.

I feel bad for bamfcow - he had a good run and was a nice guy
there will be pops eventually if resil gets scaled back, likely just bored people screwing around.

anyway, its pretty lame of us to be talking down to people who would play a bracket lower than 19 considering that we've been taking crap from every other bracket as the lowest, most skill-less form of organized pvp since the beginning.

Just do your thing. if 10-14 gets rolling, more power to them.
Grunge said:
anyway, its pretty lame of us to be talking down to people who would play a bracket lower than 19 considering that we've been taking crap from every other bracket as the lowest, most skill-less form of organized pvp since the beginning.

Well said!
Pizza said:
There will be no pops. The 19 bracket is far superior and most players who played level 10s have 19s. So, they have switched over and the ones who haven't either A) don't have a 19 or can't compete in the bracket without the resilience crutch on a level 10.

Yeah this is totally spot on. I mean some scrub huntard who can't compete without a disengage crutch is the best one to give commentary about this in every level 10 thread that comes up. Give it a rest Za. Posting this kind of trash in every level 10 thread you see is flat out vindictive. Did you get your butthurt when the Enti's sword was bugged or something?

I'll just make sure that I remind everyone about how trash the 15-19 bracket will be once everyone gets their Disengayge huntards up.
if the level 10 situation gets resolved, i think itd be interesting to try level 14s. the only reason i play 19s mainly is because thats the least amount of pve you have to do to pvp.

i also do 29s, 39s and 49s though and each have their own unique feel. 14s may be enjoyable for an unknown aspect as well.
I have respect for pizza and y'all but seriously, nothing piss me off more then people that post over and over on every level 10 thread telling us your opinion about it. Who cares? It's just stupid and it's not the point of the thread.
You need a critical mass of players for the queues to pop. You need games to attract players to BGs. It's circular and reinforcing on the positive side and a death spiral on the negative side.

What's surprising is that the 19 bracket survived the Exp On / Off bracket split and I predict it will come back strong over the next 12 months. I think the only threat to the 19 bracket is if a single class dominates game play.

As for the 10-14 bracket, it was stillborn (i.e. dead at birth).
Scrounger said:
You need a critical mass of players for the queues to pop. You need games to attract players to BGs. It's circular and reinforcing on the positive side and a death spiral on the negative side.

What's surprising is that the 19 bracket survived the Exp On / Off bracket split. I think it will come back strong. I think the only threat to the 19 bracket is if a single class dominates game play.

You I'm just spitballing here.........Disengayge Huntards? I left the 15-19 game that popped for me last night when I saw a total of 13 hunters between both teams. Unless a particular bracket sets itself apart from the others then I'll just focus on my high level toons and hope for 10-14's to start gaining some momentum.
Someone should make a 10-14 recruiting thread. If you can entice people into the bracket maybe itd work, but resil 10s gimp it very hard.
bankbeauty said:
I had respect for pizza and y'all but seriously, nothing piss me off more then people that post over and over on every level 10 thread telling us your opinion about it. Who cares? It's just stupid and it's not the point of the thread.

I changed it a bit since I used to respect pizza's skill as a player and tendancy of not starting a lot of drama. Now, I'm not so sure.
Pizza may not like 10s, I didnt. They hurt 19 pvp. Im glad theyre gone personally. But I see Pizza just giving tough love.
Pizza said:
ones who haven't either A) don't have a 19 or can't compete in the bracket without the resilience crutch on a level 10.

Sorry but I've been playing 10s before resil buff and was really competitive. I decided to stay 10s anyway.
Did you just say you have been playing 10's before the resil buff?

As if there was ever such a thing to be proud of, because pre 4.0 they were 1 shottable, laughable, and grrr.. why are you in MY BG lvl 10?!

P.S. I didn't hate 10's post 4.0, but I pre 4.0 I wished them all to DC. Just a waste of space.
Clickplease said:
Did you just say you have been playing 10's before the resil buff?

As if there was ever such a thing to be proud of, because pre 4.0 they were 1 shottable, laughable, and grrr.. why are you in MY BG lvl 10?!

P.S. I didn't hate 10's post 4.0, but I pre 4.0 I wished them all to DC. Just a waste of space.


You really have no clue about what level 10 twinks could do before 4.0 do you?

pre-4.0 level 10's had quite a bit of utility in their spellbook. 4.0 didn't make them better. Resilience stacking made them worse. If you reguarly rolled over level 10's prior to 4.0............then they weren't twinks.

If you don't know what the hell you're talking about, keep your mouth shut
I don't get what's so bad about the new brackets... Just easier to pwn... There must be something I am missing... Please don't swear at me >.>

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