Lvl 1 twinks

i Couldnt find a spot to post this so i picked closest bracket and sence the patch cyclone is horrbile que for 49 and 19 so i made a 1 for kicks i wanted to find out if any titles were possible i kno the noble is a easy one but any others Please WB :D

PS id like to kno the easiest one xD and hard as well Thanks:cool:
Diplomat. Only takes about 92 hours.

Or wait until easter for the Noble which takes 2 - 6.
Yes the noble title is VERY easy to get, but you need to wait for it.
You do need rep for diplomat, and the easiest is to farm, which is also the only way. Will only take you 3 days with help.
gogo 100k lifetime, zerg lowbies in durotar/elwynn for 6 months and I guess you'll have it... Or you can go gank a trial account in a GY over and over. Diplomat is probably your best bet;). But Im afraid you won't be the first lvl 1 with it. Check my sig:p
I think Explorer is faster (if you use the Net Limiter thing I guess)
No need for net limiter, just turn off XP.
Ya, explorer is a good one if you have friends that would help you, and diplomat would be easy if you just have an 80 help you raise rep with the 3 factions.

Good luck
TheUD said:
No need for net limiter, just turn off XP.

I think Net Limter is faster anyway since you won't aggro mobs :p

also, if you do it the right way, you can be dead (a ghost) while exploring and get increased movement speed (and flying mount in storm peaks and icecrown) :D
Xposure said:
I think Net Limter is faster anyway since you won't aggro mobs :p

also, if you do it the right way, you can be dead (a ghost) while exploring and get increased movement speed (and flying mount in storm peaks and icecrown) :D

Ya, Net Limiter is kinda a cheap way to get it, eventhough I suppose it can be effective. Personally, I am gona go for Diplomat title next on my 19 twink.

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