lvl 1 rogue

With 3.3 rogues can DW at level 1 right? Well, im probably gonan get a BoA dagger with 15 agi on it for my offhand, what about my sword main hand now? should i double agi or keep my fiery?

all i ever use him for is ganking noobs in durotar

mass crit / dodge vs proc damage
Yeah, thats whats currently in my offhand, but between bandages / agm and just the fact that theres never more than 4 horde attacking me, i think i can sacrifice the extra 10 stam
I would get an AGM or two, to fill in the gap of hp you'd lose from no pouch. Imo, dagger with +15 agi in OH and Thrash Blade in in MH with LS.
yeah the mass of mcgowan or w.e? i was looking at that too, but i figured a faster offhand to finish off people and save my fiery ppms and shit
Ego and I were discussing this today. We both came to the conclusion that unless you really need that extra 100hp. Then using an OH is the way to go. I am downloading the PTR patch right now. I'm going to test the hit/miss rate of OH wep.
Evade said:
Ego and I were discussing this today. We both came to the conclusion that unless you really need that extra 100hp. Then using an OH is the way to go. I am downloading the PTR patch right now. I'm going to test the hit/miss rate of OH wep.

evade is bad i heard
hey now murk. if you dont have anything nice to say don't say anything at all =P

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