lv70 Twinks, Farm your leggo's now b4 the pre patch!


Might be a bit late for some, for ppl like me with a lv70 twinks, i went onto the ptr and my warrior was squished to lv27, which is fine cause my leggos from black temple are lv27.
No big deal, means im in the lv29 bracket now.

..... only problem is when I teleported to BT with my neck and tried to zone in and you have to be lv30 to enter.

so that leaves u with 2 chances left.

There prob's will be alot more weaps just as good or better. but hey... there leggos xP

PS: there will be items that turn into lv50 items in your bc and wolk proffs, but if you make them b4 the patch they can still be used, they just become "grandfathered"

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