LTB, MB Premade 9/25/11

Emelianenko said:
Steve I miss you too man. If life wasn't so hectic ATM I am positive we would be knee deep in skullbreaker tears

God bles

I think everyone stopped bitching about that a while back RIP skullbreaker killing the bracket
Can y'all ever get together and sing kumbaya? All this drama and trash talking is plain stupid and does nothing in the long run of your life. If anything it can be considered harassment and we all know what happened within the passed few months with internet harassment/bullying.
And at the people bringing other people's real life onto the forums. You are the worst. How would you feel if someone you have never met in real life (and maybe even trusted) brought something of yours from your life into the game and it was during a time you were feeling down or not so great? Most likely you would feel worse and hold resentment to that person for doing such an act. I can tell you to stop it but will you listen? Maybe and maybe not. You need to realize bringing other people's real life onto the internet it wrong morally and most likely against the ToS on most gaming forums. So please stop bringing other people's real life onto the forums to make yourself look better because in reality it makes you look like a lowlife scumbag.
Emelianenko said:
I am proud to announce that daydra and I are now real Id friends/bridge partners so I am going to have to ask you to stop trolling my thread, sir.

That is not trolling. If you do not know the definition of trolling please go look it up. And being friends on real id is still not being friends with someone. Also it is not your thread.
Why can't Willy and Don't make amends and fight together as a team, fighting alliance. Not fight each other.

As rocky once said - "If I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!"

WoW_scholar_VP said:
Why can't Willy and Don't make amends and fight together as a team, fighting alliance. Not fight each other.

As rocky once said - "If I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!"

Rocky IV: Final Speech - YouTube

Why surely VP, your point is well noted and in addition; think if they actually did work together. If they could lend just an iota of the attention they pay each other on the forums into putting together and running a premade team just imagine the possibilities.

WoW_scholar_Boss said:
Why surely VP

Good point Boss, but don't call him Shirley.

Felly nawr, rydym wedi dod yn hen twinks cachu yn ôl siarad ..... gallai i roi **** hedfan ynghylch pa mor dda rydych arfer chwarae 29s, mae pobl yn dod yn ôl atoch roflstomp wedyn yn siarad cachu
New and different route for you two, can't say I mind.
Emelianenko said:
Screw it,

Sam is replacing all your guildies with players that aren't garbage. Serious question, who would you rather have on your team, euphonix or brutal windowlicker Fcftw?

Fcftw is clearly the better player, but Euphonix does have that sexy southern accent. I mean seriously, that shit is like audible chocolate.

Advantage: Euphonix

Now, I'm gonna need you to roll either a rogue or mage and come play with me, and not necessarily in that order...
Just thought I'd note how much black nipples mean to mean. Like a ray of sun shinning down on me from above, always in my sleep, always on my mind. That darkness that conceals a predictable large breast. The white lactation that simmers me down or speeds me up with the motorboat. OH black nipples where to begin where to end, You're unlike the rest. You keep the gang on track keep us focused with the long road ahead. I am for-sure a ****ing triceratops. I might just ball harder than a mother-****ing flinstone, Not sure though. Either way back to the nipples, why do you hide from me? WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE! And also if you like snap backs cuz you're boss as **** like me, like Vancity Snapbacks on facebook that be my street money (drugs,alcohol,black strippers,cocaine,crack rocks like charlie sheen, my best friends hot mom who always winks at me i swear)

Konviction said:
Fcftw is clearly the better player, but Euphonix does have that sexy southern accent. I mean seriously, that shit is like audible chocolate.

Advantage: Euphonix

Now, I'm gonna need you to roll either a rogue or mage and come play with me, and not necessarily in that order...

again, who might you be?
Im going to try to summarize this thread just based off of skimming it.

Dont:Rabble rabble premades

MB dude:rabble rabble rabble

Old 29 twink:rabble rabble i used to play and i think im really good but im to good to play again and show how 1337 i am rabble


Dont:no more premade rabble

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