Lowlest skillcap arena


Let me just start by saying my only arena experience was casual WLK before I quit , now I'm back and currently twinking in the 20-24 bracket ,
I am planning to level a character to 70 and will need about 50 arena wins to hit honored guild rep and get the heirlooms I need for my twinks.
Now question is which class performs the most effectively while not being twinked out ? I want to spend as little time as possible gearing her up.
Keep in mind I only play on Vanilla/TBC account atm so DK's are out of the question until I give 70 twinking serious go.
It takes a bit of real skill in my opinion and even more gear and money to make a Pally as ridiculous as a mage. You can do it of course.

A mage in Brutal gear with perhaps the Magister's Staff and a minimum of Sunwell/T6 is all you need to make a mage insanely OP. Pallies are a lot more gear/gem dependent than mages to get them to that kind of level. It does take a fair amount of raids to get a pally to that kind of level.

If you're looking for being the most effective in off the shelf gear from vendors? No DPS class comes close to that description than a mage.
If you're referring to my previous statement? I was referring to DPS classes.

Any healing class is going to be stacking resilience and can be ridiculous off the shelf from vendors when gemmed and enchanted. Few DPS classes have the ability to stand out in straight PVP gear, mages do.
okay, if you have TBC acc...
Classes to NOT level up ( if you are asking for easy twinking ) - hunter, warrior, warlock. Those 3 are the weakest and you need heavy skill to get high rates or for beating others.

Shaman: resto is unkillable and looks easy to play, enh is painfull vs melees (blood DK pov), but not the best choice, elemental is a glass cannon - hurts but easy to kill. Paladin- ret is weak, still while being a plate with all those CDs. Holy- very cool, lots of cd's but not that hard to kill as resto shaman ( but have nice dmg output- "shockadin"). Prot's damage will be nerfed by around 40% ( as all tanks). DC Priest is very nice with shields, fear, manaburn. Holy looks cool but is weak. Shadow- well, its like a glass cannon with some small shield.

Druid- Balance is the same as shadowpriest, Feral can hurt and have alot of def cd's - good choice if you know how to play it, Resto is immortal ( same as resto shaman). Rogue- not easy as it looks (stun stun stun - vanish - lol shadow dance - /spit at corpse) but is a very nice killer. Mage- frost. You wont need lots of "buttons" here- if you know how to kite enemies and know their cd's and how to counter them- thats the #1 choice. Fire looks cool but requires a high skill to beat everyone, arcane is a glass cannon.
Thanks for that responses Tetarius and everyone else , decided to ride the frost mage boat to guild capping island, wish me luck !
If anyone knows about any twink frost mage streaming arenas , or good pvp videos to watch and get a feel for the rhythm of it,would appreciate it if you gave me the link.

What Tetarius said about protections paladins damage after patch i can inform that it wont be as bad as it sound. It will pretty much be like prepatch when vengeance stacks slowly. And that's mainly because protection paladins does not get attacked very much, unless facing a mage. But damage without Vengeance is not bad at all. Perhaps 1000damage on avanger is the difference. No way near 40%
First of all, frost mages are easy to be good at, but the highest skill cap to be the best at. (if you play arenas you will probably get merked by any frost mage better than you)
Rogues are fairly easy and you can gimp most classes with them if you catch them right.
Death Knights are very easy and you can own most classes in a very short amount of time on them, you also start at 55 which would give you more time to farm honor for gear.
shamans are easy in every spec few abilities to use, fairly simple.
paladins are easy they are probably the easiest healer class too.
For mages, i would say go fire because it is the easiest spec all you do is scorch and use pyroblast when it pops... (ok maybe a little more...)

If you choose to go the healer route, pick paladin or shaman. they require the least amount of work so the less chance of messing up.
If you pick a dps class, i would say to go with Death Knight, Mage, or Rogue

But overall, just pick the class you like the best man.
I pick druids, i love to play them because i love to be very hard to kill, yet still have damage output. Also as a druid you can be the most aggravating person ever with running to never dying to faerie firing rogues you will find everyone going after you trying and mostly failing at killing you.
Alot of shit comming out from Skatenhates mouth today.. I would not recommend taking a paladin healer over a disc/resto shaman, Espesially disc. As discs are faar superior in every aspect of arena.. As paladin/mage suck balls you will have to play 10times better than their disc to compete. Los every single fear, otherwise you find yourself sitting in a sheep while their mage is raping your teammate. The problem is that you're forced to play another comp and then you can only choose a melee class like death knight for example. And when you play with a death knight you have no CC except for hoj which has like 15yard range. Holy/dk isnt close to what disc/frost is.

If i would pick a class i would say mage or priest. They are the easiest classes to gain some raiting with. 2.1-2.3k mages are backpaddlers. When you play mage it's about being the best among the bads in most cases. Sure at higher raiting i belive there are some really good players.. but most are just plain bad.
Death Knights are very easy and you can own most classes in a very short amount of time on them, you also start at 55 which would give you more time to farm honor for gear.
he said that he have a vanilla acc.
shamans are easy in every spec few abilities to use, fairly simple.
And sucks in ele/enh
paladins are easy they are probably the easiest healer class too.

For mages, i would say go fire because it is the easiest spec all you do is scorch and use pyroblast when it pops... (ok maybe a little more...)
and get 2-shotted

If you choose to go the healer route, pick paladin or shaman. they require the least amount of work so the less chance of messing up.
If you pick a dps class, i would say to go with Death Knight, Mage, or Rogue
vanilla acc. ok. ok.

But overall, just pick the class you like the best man.

- agree on that. if you know a class and enjoy it - its better to play your favorite class

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