Low levels in higher level content zones


the F2P PvEr
You all knew about the raids so I'm not talking about that.

In the new blackrock spires (WoD changes) there is no level requirement. In old blackrock spire there was an 11 int 11 crit offhand with no level requirements obtained (just from some chest like crystal) so maybe from the new blackrock there is something like it? Besides it might be cool only for achievement.

Damn :) diden't know that :D
With the changes to flex style encounters, the MoP and WoD raids are no longer able to be entered. Wrath and Cata raids do still.
You can Enter all Mists raids except SoO, tested on my F2P

Yeah...I meant just the ones that have the flex mechanic now...so SoO and higher ... MoP was soooooo long I forgot that there were other raid tiers :)

1) Form a party with a toon that is at least the minimum level to do the raid
2) Have them set the raid the HC
3) Have them enter the raid first
4) Zone in and profit

Really, the only one this matters on is ICC for Precious Ribbon. I guess Firelands for rep, but other than that, there is no gear that drops that is beneficial
BT does not have a Heroic mode...you're stuck with Wrath, Cata, and 1/2 MoP

1) Form a party with a toon that is at least the minimum level to do the raid
2) Have them set the raid the HC
3) Have them enter the raid first
4) Zone in and profit

Really, the only one this matters on is ICC for Precious Ribbon. I guess Firelands for rep, but other than that, there is no gear that drops that is beneficial

Can anyone confirm this has either been patched or still works? I attempted to do this on my level 1 rogue today, and repeatedly got the error "You are too low level for this instance". Am I missing something? Itd be a shame if I missed out on this
Can anyone confirm this has either been patched or still works? I attempted to do this on my level 1 rogue today, and repeatedly got the error "You are too low level for this instance". Am I missing something? Itd be a shame if I missed out on this

It doesn't work anymore. At least not for 20s and below. I've heard it's possible for characters over level 30 but not sure on the details here.

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