looking to update

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just gettin back, what do i need to update on my gear and enchants
Pricecheck @ Firetree - Community - World of Warcraft

Heirloom Neck w/ gift of versatility.
Heirloom cloak w/ gift of versatility.
Heirloom chest w/ peerless stats.
Change boot chant to minor speed (blurred speed doesnt stack w/ cloak enchant).
Gift of versatility to rings.
Perhaps update WSG ring with BoA shipyard ring, 2nd argas, or ello's band.

Use 2x Sharpened Scarlet Kris for assassination for now. Update mainhand to talon of vultros and offhand to tail spike/assassin's blade.

Can't tell about leg armor enchant, shoulder enchant and wrist enchant if they are grandfathered or what they scale to.

Thats all I can see on the first pass for assassination. Different updates if you want to go combat, but don't throw anything away.
not sure if i want to do combat, whats the appeal of it?

Faster energy regen. More AP from agility. Harder hitting ambush. Sinister strike does less damage than mutilate - but your opener is stronger. Focus is on agility to the exclusion of all else, so you have less survivability (but all rogues are basically sitting ducks out of stealth). Combat tends to have a more lethal opener with ambush, BE silence, and sinister strikes - does extremely well taking down enemy flag carriers (especially with stacks).

Assassination is good at taking down enemy flag carriers, just not as lethal of an opener.

Both are viable. Combat is more popular and probably more viable, but assassination got a decent buff and there have been some solid assassination rogues bringing it to light. Try em both out and see what you like.

Gearwise, combat would use:

Stick with WSG neck, gift of vers
forest leather bracers, +3 agi
glowing lizardscale cloak, gift of verse
If you can afford, get gloomshroud armor (or tunic of westfall if you still have) for chest w/ peerless stats.
For weapons, get shadowsfang x2 if you can. Heirloom agi sword/mace works well otherwise (definitely mainhand, can use sharpened scarlet kris offhand if no shadowfangs).

If you have full defias set from back in the day, then that is probably BiS for you.
Really depends on what you want to do. I really like my stam build on rogue especially for arena. Muti is fine if you truly dislike combat though combat is OG sinisterstrike for life.

I don't like giving up boa neck in almost any set the neck heal is so dank
I have been playing assassination lately.
Copy my Alliance rogue's gear!

not enough crit for my taste

If your focus is WSG, listen to this man. Pitter is a beast on returns in 19s currently, his set is perfect for what rogue is used for these days. Regardless of your spec, you're useless out of stealth and will be dotted/feared on opener. Get as much out of the opener as you can.

Good to see an old name back in the Gulch regardless.
Crit was nerfed with wod. It's now 150% dmg that's why most play more agility based builds. Not sure if you knew that or not

That has really had quiet an impact on the way twinks enchant, I'm hoping it stays that way.
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That has really had quiet an impact on the way twinks enchant, I'm hoping it stays that way.
i honestly don't agree with multistrikes and Crits being less in pvp I think it takes away from crit specs like destro and fire mags

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