Looking for priest help

skniwtgnidnuf said:
I must have missed the English class where absorption and dispel have apostrophes. Though, since you're insinuating that there were no other errors besides apostrophes, I'll also take the liberty to point out the spelling of hyphenating, guarantee, and "mean time" being 2 words.

You're welcome.

Sigh, apparently not. As always, I'm glad to entertain you. Thanks so much for the english lessons. We are typing, of course, on an internet forum. As both of our posts use words which aren't real, discussing a world that doesn't exist, it's good that we are still able to maintain the purity of the english language.

skniwtgnidnuf said:
Its astonishing that someone could be so bad at English, and also terrible at math as well. That must be pretty frustrating. Lets try some arithmetic.

Boa Mace = 4 stam, 6 int, 1 mp5, 23 sp.

Skullbreaker = 3 stam 5 int.

22 int on boa mace gives 28 int ( only a 7 int diff from skullbreaker with 30 int since you're math impaired), as well as the added stam and mp5, but most importantly 23 sp. See, as you were saying, sp helps out significantly with mana efficiency of heals. Since you have the extra sp on your int weap, you're able to crank out more secksy healing before you have to even consider switching off to your other weaps for the same exact reason you were arguing.

One of the things I had considered. However, you *know* your int weapon isnt going to give the same ehaling efficiency as your +sp weapons, so you attempt to focus on the use of shields, dispells, buffs, etc while having your int weapon equipped. So the extra spellpower, while of benefit, isn't as useful as having some additional int.

Oh, and for the math impared out there, 7 int is 105 mana, not 100 as I had stated. My bad.

skniwtgnidnuf said:
Lets delve a bit further into this, in case the point hasnt seeped into your itty bitty brain. Having 2 boa maces is also nice, because the other mace has sp on it. I hear adding is hard, so I'll help you out a bit. 23 + 30 = 53 sp (to go with the extra stat funsies) Your other options for a sp mace would either be skullbreaker itself, which would only provide 40 sp (40 < 53 fyi) or, you could go with Death Speaker, which would only be 39 sp total (also < 53 cuz math iz hardz).

Basically, you have an extra 23 sp, 1 stam, and 1 mp5 for your initial heals on your int weap, then you switch off to your healing mace which has 13-14 more sp, as well as the other stats, and to top it all off, you can almost never run oom, because you switch off to skullbreaker with spellsurge which gives YOUR WHOLE PARTY INSANE MANA REGEN.

I'm not too sure where I asked about other options for a sp mace, or where I said that it wouldn't be BiS to use the BoA mace with +30 spellpower, but thanks for pointing out the other options for us.

If you were referring to me stating "~60" spellpower more on a sp weapon as compared to a SBK with spellsurge, let me introduce you to the tilde character. The ~ character is the closest ASCII allows one to represent a swung dash. A Swing Dash is the same symbol as a tilde, but it placed closer to the centre of the line of text. The swung dash or the tilde symbol is conventionally used in mathematics as an approximation sign.

I didn't want to log in just to check the SP on a weapon for the sake of arguement, so I incorrectly recalled that it was 27+30=57, and stated "approximately 60".

And yep, lets give our pug'd party members +100 mana. I'm sure it will be so helpful. First, the party leader will be a lvl 21 rogue who wont pass lead or change the groups, so you'll have a rogue, warr and/or hunt in the group. Secondly, that mage with 2500 mana and 600 hp is definately going to run OOM before he dies, right, so giving him mana is definately worth gimping your abilities. Yep.

skniwtgnidnuf said:
Since you're obviously suffering from severe Trisomy 21, I'll help you out a bit more. See priests have this little spell called dispel. They spam it constantly, because its funsies for the whole family (and wins games). It not only procs spellsurge, but it also *gasp* isnt affected by sp. So if for some reason, you cant wrap your mind around the concept of my setup having a much higher sp average than your setup, which I just proved (which was your argument), than you might be able to grasp the concept of using your spellsurge weap while you're spamming dispel, and then switching off to a sp mace when you're healing. Granted, I'd still suggest using spellsurge every time the internal cd is up (because I dont have downs syndrome), but if having that extra little sp while spamming flash heals is what gets your rocks off, then more power to you lil man.

Finally, an arguement in favor of spellsurge that actually makes sense, and with a minimal amount of trolling. I'm so proud.

Overall, I have no disagreement with this statement. It sucessfully covers most of my arguements against the use of spellsurge. Because dispell spam *is* indeed common, you would see a practical application of spellsurge.

The only defense I would propose would be that if you can afford to take 3 seconds to swap weapons, you might as well take a 10 second break and go to a spirit staff instead; your personal regen would be much higher. But if you need to spam dispells, might as well have that spellsurge weapon ready :)

skniwtgnidnuf said:
Its not trolling if I'm right.....

Well, maybe it is, but its much funnier for me this way.

Yeah, it is, but its amusing, not... insulting. Glad we can both be amused by these discussions.

By the way, I have no idea who you are. Would you mind filling in your profile, or at least the 'my twinks' section? You mentioned you were a GM, but didnt say of which guild.
skniwtgnidnuf said:
I must have missed the English class where absorption and dispel have apostrophes. Though, since you're insinuating that there were no other errors besides apostrophes [...]


Its astonishing that someone could be so bad at English, and also terrible at math as well. That must be pretty frustrating. Lets try some arithmetic.

It seems worth noting that both "its" and "lets" ought to have apostrophes in this case. Also, "since" used this in this manner appears somewhat ambiguous until the second half of the sentence, when it becomes apparent a temporal meaning is not intended. Finally, it's not entirely clear how one can be "bad at English", as 'English' is not generally something people do. People speak and communicate in English, however, and some people are bad at that.

Getting bogged down in grammar, when clarity isn't at stake, on a forum dedicated to twinking in WoW, as a way to discredit a point about twinking, while at the same time making grammatical errors, is a curious, and not particularly relevant, strategy.

That said, your substantive points about the items and strategy are well taken. There was no need to buttress the argument with personal attacks.
skniwtgnidnuf said:
PWS is affected by sp, so there goes your argument. Wave goodbye to it. The extra sp allows you to throw renews and pws's while you're dispelling at the beginning of fights, and have them actually be substantial.

Totally unrelated to the "to spellsurge or not to spellsurge" argument, but I was unaware that sp affects PWS--can you please tell me how? I assumed that PWS was a set amount of protection, and it's only enhancement was through your talents.

I apologize, in advance, for the noob question.

On a note that will further antagonize, perhaps; I am alliance, but this spellsurge sounds like something I would like to experiment with, am I correct in my belief that there is no way for me to get it on one of my weapons?


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