US Looking for old expac raiding

Anyone has heard of any guild running that ?
60s and 70s were a thing for a really long while. 80s,90s,etc as well, but the biggest were 60s and 70s for the longest time.

However, when you introduce the fact you can now actively raid Vanilla (Classic Era - several active server clusters) and WoTLK (Which includes likely 70 twink raiding to some extent), and combine that with the fact Shadowlands nuked the level brackets a bit...I've not really seen anyone do as much lately.

I think 60s would be 25s, and that's just an odd number that I can't get behind.
Are you talking about on retail? I don't think there is really much point to it now that most of the old raids are easily soloed by higher levels, and f2p can't get into any of the raids.

I think there was some interest previously in xp locked 30s doing the Herald of the Titans feat of strength, but I don't think blizz has properly balanced it since the recent ilvl changes. There used to be a discord group for it, not sure if its still around.
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Anyone has heard of any guild running that ?
My advice is look towards classic for this. Blizzard has broken their game and not managed old values. Items don’t work or don’t work as intended, the game has 0 flavor in pve at lower levels anymore with classes lacking major toolkits that make it less of a binary 1-2 rotation. And most of those discords are full of people spreading “feelcraft” information
We are actively raiding Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria at level 35 on Draenor EU in the retail version of the game. Feel free to join us!

Discord Tag #Alfredo#3970
Thanks for your replies. Unfortunately I am NA :/ And I am not really looking for the Classic experience, I actually like running old raids on retail :p
I've done this multiple times in the past but I know now it doesnt really happen with all the squish and stuff.
Thanks for your replies. Unfortunately I am NA :/ And I am not really looking for the Classic experience, I actually like running old raids on retail :p
I've done this multiple times in the past but I know now it doesnt really happen with all the squish and stuff.
It happens, it just is a poor experience at least for me. I don’t like putting hours and hours of work into a new or existing twink for half of the abilities to not work, the mechanics to be broken and the gear not actually doing anything it says it will. I understand your reservations to classic for sure, I just wanted to warn you of that shit show that is blizzard and tooltips.

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