looking for more 29s for future plans.


id like to find more 29s to do wargames and create activity for the community and for future dates after expansion release. i main on bleeding hollow and probably will start a guild for 29s only, i very much like the bracket and wish to keep it alive. if interested anyone is welcome, send me a btag request - twink#11509 - or join my discord - https://discord.gg/GpWGaRWr - ty :)
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Trust me man, the old 70s bracket use to be the biggest and liveliest bracket. There was so much content to do when BGs, Arenas, and even raids were popping. Then they killed our pvp system. And now we can't even do raids or heroics. There's not much left to do in this bracket now since a lot of our content has been cut off. Also were lacking a lot of skills where twinking in this bracket really isnt all that fun. Sadly I think this expansion really put the dagger on twinking. GL on keeping the 29s bracket alive if it still is.
id like to find more 29s to do wargames and create activity for the community and for future dates after expansion release. i main on bleeding hollow and probably will start a guild for 29s only, i very much like the bracket and wish to keep it alive. if interested anyone is welcome, send me a btag request - twink#11509 - or join my discord - https://discord.gg/GpWGaRWr - ty :)

Yo man, I have a crap ton of twinks, on Bleeding Hollow, that are 27 and 25 now. I'm still an Officer in <That Seventies Show> (Alliance), and we used to focus on, go figure, level 70 content pretty hardcore. But it's mostly kinda died off here recently, and a lot of the old crew have migrated to either Classic or private servers, I think. Or just given up on it, like I did. Either way, I log in, and rarely see anybody else online. So, yeah, long story short, I'd probably be interested in figuring some stuff out with you at 29, with at least a few of my old 70 twinks.
is this group/bracket still alive ? :D:D:D where are the 27-29 playing ? not with the 20s right ?

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