You're welcome.
Note that Pwnadin's Foreman Leggings are BiS for both Factions, though Horde can trudge through most of Azashara for Fade to Black's Kaliczo's (spelling) Gift with similar stats (lacks a few points of Armor).
If you do follow that Quest chain, make sure to complete the two Goblin Quests near the last FP (you'll know what I mean when you get there), it opens up a short messenger Quests that gives a fun Vanity item, an otherwise statsless Hat that allows you to generate at random a Costume on your toon (sadly fades the moment you die, and with a long CD).
And of course there's always Mighty Chain Pants from various Vendors to help you over (wether or not they're better than the Ally chaps from BFD is up for debate but a different topic; they do require some travelling though).