looking for active 19 twink ally guild


I am looking for a active 19 twink guild on any server. Just love to play the 19 bracket and want to join other active 19 twinks. Ally preferred if possible.
Dynasty-Elune is always recruiting and I like to think were pretty active. what class do your play, will you be transferring, rerolling, If your rerolling would you be willing to lvl a main for funding or are you looking for funding, so on so forth.
Thank you for the response grimaldo. Two of us are looking to xfer. No funding necessary. Just activity. And great teamwork.
Feel free to hit me up on Elune, type /who Grim lol all my toons start with that, I could be on one of my 85s, Grimalday, Grimlaw, Grimaldo but any 19 starting with those is most likely me. What classes?

You can always join WreckingTwinksUsa we are an active ally 19 twinking guild on the server Dragonblight. We are a great guild slash who us and ask for an invite from an officer. We are currently recruiting for fury warriors, mages, and any class healers if you are looking to reroll a random class. You can also Xfer too :p ty we are a legit twinking guild
Never heard of the above guild but Dynasty would be a great guild to go to in my opinion. Talk to the guild master log on elune and see what the activity is like etc. Dynasty has been together for a long time and don't see the guild dying anytime soon.
Dynasty is a good guild. Im horde, but when I see the guild in there if we don't bring 5 from our guild we usually lose. Good luck finding a guild!
Dynasty is a pretty active guild from what I see, I know others have said it above but I just thought to say it again.
Thanks for your responses everyone. I am now now Elune server and just trying to prove im worth joining Dynásty. Hope to see some of you in the bg's soon.
okie dokie!

so, am i to understand that the server Elune and it's battlegroup have an active 19 twink community? i would love to know more about any good twink guilds/communities.... i quit shortly after blizz killed twinking with locked XP, and have been hearing that all the remaining twinks all set up camp on 1 or 2 battlegroups so make que times livable

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