I know I've forgotten some really great locks but these are some of the best I can remember!
This is awkward. I dont really remember you,maybe we need to get to know each other.
But AHEM, thanks fellow summoner,you already have a potential to become one of us.
Hello fellow mortals of Twink Info!
My name has been said 10 times in bathroom and then the person ran to que Arathi Basin.
---------puts off the roleplaying cloak.
If you really need some advices on warlock,simply just a tldr,hit me up with a PM.
Ive spent last months playing Demo,thanks to massive breakout of kitty druids from zoo.
Source: Dhenurd @ Defias Brotherhood - Community - World of Warcraft
Demo is quite meh to play in 1v1,as your damage ,especially as F2P is mostly a "support" dps,
although your kit allows you to kill rogues or most scrubby nonhybrids 1v1.
Dont get fooled though,properly played demo is still probably the best spec warlock can offer at 20 in bgs/big fights.
You want to keep corruption on everyone(apart from healers for CC),use Hand of Guldan when alliance is clumped up,or when you want to slow buncha people and get demonic fury.
Remember that druids can shift outta the dot.
Once you have enough demonic fury,switch to metamorphosis,and spread out Doom.If i remember correctly,the procs have a chance to summon fel imps. (atleast on my 20 lock,he is special and different somehow).
If you know that rogue wants to open on you,save 2 stacks of Hand of Guldan,wait for him to open,leap away,slow him,abuse CC,kite. IF you put it properly you will never let him restealth,and he should never be able to touch you unless its a tryhard swiftpot,but till most of the rogues click the potion you should already cd off the leap.
Same with ferals,though its tricky.
Most of them are trash and open with wild charge. In that case if you survive the intense stun with probably oneshot coming after you,you want to leap to a nearest healer/dps that can save you.
Basically keep people dotted,and most of all, ABUSE FEAR,once you have people dotted and hand of guldan on cd,
As f2p demo you are support.
Most of your damage comes from your pet though.Keep track on it if it dies,resummon another one,
-note: if you are in demonform you can resummon your pet instantly for 200 demo fury
Pet is a choice depending on enemy team comps,although its either Imp or Succub,
since voidwalker doesnt have disarm anymore,but with him you can still taunt hunters pets off your back,so its quite handy i reckon,atleast from 1v1 pov against hunter.
I personally use succubus because of the seduction macro,BUT (returning to special lock part) from what ive heard newly made locks cant even macro it,so im not entirely sure if people still can make the macro/use seduc @ 20.
Also Leek wrote about how to fix the succubus issue.
"About the succubus problem it can be fixed by doing a bg and resummoning the succubus while in the bg which will give her seduction."
I use this gorgeous macro to switch between the scary demon form, and the so sexy "i wish i knew this guy" undead form
#showtooltip Metamorphosis
/cast Metamorphosis
/cancelaura Metamorphosis
On first hit it morhs you to demo,on second hit it cancels the aura,so you can impress ladies with your morphing skills.
I also recommend you put Lash of Pain (succubus) from autocast and macro it up on your keybinds,use it as extra burst alongside with chaoswave/hand of guldan
I might have made some mistakes here as its morning and i dont even know about my existence right now,i shall check it later and make corrections if anything is wrong.
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