Looking For A Warlock Senpai


So .. I'm honestly really willing to learn how to play a Demo Warlock. Anyone willing to hop on or invite me to a group (Healer would be nice) to guide me what to use and when to use it? I only know destro, rest require certain spells with a puzzled rotation. Hoping to hear back from someone that knows this spec :)

- Resto
demo is fairly straight forward, however different people do different things
jumps and fears are obvious, but rotation is interchangeable
personally i like to spread/apply all dots then drain life with harvest talent

probably does less damage but it looks rad

the way i play it i never get much fury so i have to swap in and out of meta for doom spread

lock is fun/10 and demo is by far my favourite spec, always has been
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demo is fairly straight foreword, however different people do different things
jumps and fears are obvious, but rotation is interchangeable
personally i like to spread/apply all dots then drain life with harvest talent

probably does less damage but it looks rad

i thought you liked to heal with surge
Yep, that's pretty much the kind of posts you get from Turtle it seems. *shrug*

Thus, I, Rhae, semi-evil-doer will commence the summoning of the warlocks!

*moves fingers in mock spookiness*


I summon thee: [MENTION=6229]Bizarre[/MENTION] [MENTION=10771]Kiri[/MENTION] [MENTION=14560]Fael[/MENTION] [MENTION=10843]rsq[/MENTION] [MENTION=16672]Denurd[/MENTION] [MENTION=24438]sicknature[/MENTION] [MENTION=25100]Leek[/MENTION] [MENTION=5837]KainUFC[/MENTION]

I know I've forgotten some really great locks but these are some of the best I can remember!
demo is fairly straight forward, however different people do different things
jumps and fears are obvious, but rotation is interchangeable
personally i like to spread/apply all dots then drain life with harvest talent

probably does less damage but it looks rad

the way i play it i never get much fury so i have to swap in and out of meta for doom spread

lock is fun/10 and demo is by far my favourite spec, always has been

A lot of people are wanting me to play this spec. I just want a basic rotation so I can use spells lol. I tried it once and everything was slow, I couldn't even drop a leveling 24 pally below 300 health ..
Demo locks are good and fun tho I have 2v1'd a demo lock and arms war in arena on ret. Demo to me is best in 3s or bg comps for spread dot pressure although they use to do more damage. I also like the mobility they have when escaping melees or jumping to cc someone with blood elf silence.
One trick I always love doing vs offensive casters is to use demonic leap right behind them before they finish their spell
Leap works in reverse does it? I know I liked jumping straight up with it at times. Demohunters are designed after demo locks a lot atm. Double jump and ect....
Leap works in reverse does it? I know I liked jumping straight up with it at times. Demohunters are designed after demo locks a lot atm. Double jump and ect....

They even took chaos wave from demo I think
They even took chaos wave from demo I think

Hand of Gul'dan is the better choice anyway imho ;p
If you cast your first hand then it will apply a 6 second dot + slow wich will stack to 2 if you cast your second hand within those 6 sec. This is more damage then 2 blank chaoswaves and will give you more fury ^^
So .. I'm honestly really willing to learn how to play a Demo Warlock. Anyone willing to hop on or invite me to a group (Healer would be nice) to guide me what to use and when to use it? I only know destro, rest require certain spells with a puzzled rotation. Hoping to hear back from someone that knows this spec :)

- Resto

I can help you a bit but dont have any locks on US :c
Tip : One of the best way to do damage as a demo lock is to go to trainer and re spec destruction. You will instantly do more damage. jk, but im glad out of all the disappointment wod has brought for F2P the hype for warlocks turned out to be real as they have been really good since wod hit ( tho demo was really great at start of wod).
dot everything with corr hand of guldan go in demon form the instant cast thing and doom over everyone and fear spam
Yep, that's pretty much the kind of posts you get from Turtle it seems. *shrug*

Thus, I, Rhae, semi-evil-doer will commence the summoning of the warlocks!

*moves fingers in mock spookiness*


I summon thee: Bizarre Kiri Fael rsq Denurd sicknature Leek KainUFC

I know I've forgotten some really great locks but these are some of the best I can remember!

unfortunatly I've never been much of a demo lock, so I cant rly help all that much, other than dont waste time on soul fire unless u have the "SF haste proc" thingy..
Hmm, [MENTION=7799]Balditron[/MENTION] -he plays demo way better / more than me, he might have some insights :)

@OP if u ever need help with destro / aff send me a pm im more than willing to help a fellow lock along the path of havoc and destruction ^^
Hand of Gul'dan is the better choice anyway imho ;p
If you cast your first hand then it will apply a 6 second dot + slow wich will stack to 2 if you cast your second hand within those 6 sec. This is more damage then 2 blank chaoswaves and will give you more fury ^^

Hand of guldan does not slow anymore... That's why chaos wave was added.

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