Looking for a gnomer partner

I'm looking for a partner to run our alts through gnomer with our 85's.

i need someone with an alliance 85, i have both horde and alliance 85s.

and we would switch back and forth between gnomer lockouts for rings.
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1) find someone on server and pay them
2)ask friends on your real id
3) if #1 or #2 aren't options find a twink guild on another server.

People in my guild for example will trade runs or have 2nd accounts for running themselfs and bring other guildies. If sure many other twink guilds like this or find a good guild on your server that supports there members and is social .my 2 cents.

You would think, but the truth is some people don't get lucky getting there rings and bracers in 20 runs. I'm on 500+ my stats show lower it's because some guildies already have rings and need bracers so I only go and look for dark ambassador for them not last boss.
You would think, but the truth is some people don't get lucky getting there rings and bracers in 20 runs. I'm on 500+ my stats show lower it's because some guildies already have rings and need bracers so I only go and look for dark ambassador for them not last boss.

thats basicly the only one who i need honestly, ring attempts would just be a bonus.
I try to do 10 gnomer runs a day for just dark ambassador. I say in gchat who need dark ambassador invites go out , takes less than 3-5 min per run.
I just found out yesterday when i ran Clickyou that I could run a lowbie on another server on my 85.. I'm always late to the party.

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