Looking for a Druid anti-rogue macro...


I wanted to make a macro to cast rejuve, thorns, switch to bear form and auto attack

In the games current state, I'm not sure that i wouldn't be dead before bear form, but I figure its worth a try. Any help would be lovely!! 8 )
/castsequence [@yournamehere] Rejuvenation; Thorns; Bear Form

Another one that is useful for pulling rogues out of stealth is a variation of the sap macro




/cast Moon Fire

Edit: Something I like to do to clean up UI space is to have macros that change function depending on target and form. A good example would be:


/cast [noform, nomod, harm] Moon Fire

/cast [noform, nomod, help] rejuvenation

/cast [noform, mod:alt, @rivfader] rejuvenation

/cast [noform, mod:shift] !Cat Form

/cast [form:3, nomod] Prowl

The syntax may be a little off since I'm at work right now, but you get the idea. I'm proud of the fact that my 85 resto has every single useful ability bound to only 14 keybinds. It required extensive use of modifiers and target requirements but I was even able to bind in focus macros and arena 1 and 2 macros as well as @myarenapartner macros. It's fun when you play around with it and the end result is awesome if you're as anal as I am about having as clean a UI as possible.
The macro you provided didn't work. This is what I've gotten so far adding in the use of my belt:

/use Aquarius Belt

/castsequence Rejuvenation,Thorns

Now I'm both lost and at a crossroad.

Path #1

jump into bear form, auto attacking to build up the rage for a demoralizing roar

Path #2

Hop into travel form & start kiting.

in either case I haven't a clue as to how to swap forms.
I tend to not use castsequence macros because they are only situationally useful. If the rogue has sprint an ShS up bear form is the better option, if not then you should be kiting. Balance druids NEED peels, I wouldn't expect to succeed against melee solo.

Rogues with CDs should be able to kill you

Warriors should be able to spam piercing howl as fast as you can powershift so preventing the charge is key. Against NE warriors make sure to stay at max range to prevent the smeld>charge.

Paladins can blow you up in a HoJ, max range or having trinket available is key.

Enh shamans are the only melee you have no problems with, fake the windshear at allow hardcasting.

Hunters will shit all over you unless you have LoS available. Make sure to root or kill the pet.

Casters can't blow you up as fast as physical DPS but you should abuse LoS to allow most of your healing to be from rejuv and let MF do the dirty work.

Almost forgot feral druids, rejuv, thorns, and then bear form till they dump all their energy then travel form and run around LoS to prevent the roots, make sure to keep them dotted.

Most of your kills will come from rooting the target and then blowing CDs to light them up before they have a chance to react. It's worth asking what race you are because some races have different advantages against different classes.
My bear plan was only to stay in form long enough for the roar, then to switch forms to kite. I'm not sure if it be worth it, or just to cat form the hell away from the rogue. I haven't tried it yet, but I've figured out how to make the macro work. I'm a night elf druid w/ herb & skinning (Babybelly/Cenarius) as far as racials/bonus spells are concerned. You're the best, Riv. I appreciate all of the advice you've given me so far.
Velcro said:
My bear plan was only to stay in form long enough for the roar, then to switch forms to kite. I'm not sure if it be worth it, or just to cat form the hell away from the rogue. I haven't tried it yet, but I've figured out how to make the macro work. I'm a night elf druid w/ herb & skinning (Babybelly/Cenarius) as far as racials/bonus spells are concerned. You're the best, Riv. I appreciate all of the advice you've given me so far.

Hate to say it but NE prolly has the least useful racial for bal druids. Your best bet at maximizing it's potential is using it to stop offensive spells from being cast on you. Smelding the fear and such. You can also use it as a vanish in cat form to hopefully escape sticky situations. Unfortunatly balance stealth is weak and slow so it's hard to get away with it. Just to reiterate though, play as part of the team, you need peels. As long as you can turret shit will die fast, if you're pressured though it's very hard to survive on your own.
Yeah, I made the toon before travel form. For alliance, it was the only option for me at that time. I've used smeld to get away from a hunter who hadn't stung or marked me yet & I use it to gain a couple of ticks in near death encounters, but can't use it as splendidly as a rogue or warrior. I hope Blizz will tone down the burst a bit in the near future, my Hot tick doesn't help me too much. The vulnerability makes the game fun and frustrating at the same time. My final macro was:

/use Aquarius Belt

/castsequence Rejuvenation,Thorns,Bear Form(Shapeshift),Auto Attack

You have to watch the global & spam it, but at least it's some protection. Thanks again.
i dont understand why you want this macro. just use the spells?
Rivfader said:
/castsequence [@yournamehere] Rejuvenation; Thorns; Bear Form

little note, using [@player] works too
Best Rogue EU said:
i dont understand why you want this macro. just use the spells?

To keep abilities close at hand. Bear form, demo roar, aquarius belt are not bound to accessible keys.

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