Looking for a 19 guild.

Grody1 said:
I'd suggest you still give twinking a try though, and check out <Twink Info> on Korgath.

This is what I meant by finding other good alliance to play with, especially since you were already talking about Korgath. Also, having an 80 on the server puts you in the perfect position to level 80-85 to get honored with a level 20+ guild to get your BoA helm etc.
cinderblok said:
This is what I meant by finding other good alliance to play with, especially since you were already talking about Korgath. Also, having an 80 on the server puts you in the perfect position to level 80-85 to get honored with a level 20+ guild to get your BoA helm etc.

I talked to someone in Twink Info last night, I'm going to make a shaman probably, once I farm BoA's.
Turdel said:
Go to TI they need all the help they can get.

Ain't that the truth. Look at the bright side, maybe you'll premade with them and get a chance to 10-man turtle FR for 20 mins until the stealthies can gib the efc.
Ronjenkees said:
Lol. Aren't you the guido that nerd rages hard?

You just made my day. Anyone else get the feeling that turdel is 1 of those fat italians like those guys in cake boss?
Turdel said:
No, that's my identical twin. I'm the one that GY farms you until you make a QQ post on the forums

Go to TI they need all the help they can get.

Lol Turdel doesn't farm shit. Turdel gets farmed. All day everday. Horrible warrior is soooooooooooo horrible...

Although i must say alot cuter now as a goblin. So much easier to look you in the face when you're getting raped in the mouth.

<3 @ my bitch, keep feeding the count, baddeh. :D

Edit: NB4 this totally unimaginative dullard utters some variation of "umad? i think so", or "get on my level" or "your mom's easier to look in the face..."
cinderblok said:
This is what I meant by finding other good alliance to play with, especially since you were already talking about Korgath. Also, having an 80 on the server puts you in the perfect position to level 80-85 to get honored with a level 20+ guild to get your BoA helm etc.

I'm leveling my priest as we speak. 82 already!
Grody1 said:
It's so like WT to beg for premedes while they attempt to destroy their potential opponent's recruitment. Your whole guild is too childish to understand this.

Your a hunter and on top of that a worgen, why should we care what you say when you fail to roll a class that requires skill?
cinderblok said:
Your guild leader is a hunter as well, I believe your argument is invalid.

Pizza is the only hunter in the bracket as far as im concerned, all these other no name people that popped up in the last year are FOTM huntards
Turdel said:
Your a hunter and on top of that a worgen, why should we care what you say when you fail to roll a class that requires skill?

How much skill does it take 2 crawl after a hunter dazed and then say its ok i died cuz they are op.
Grody1 said:
It's so like WT to beg for premedes while they attempt to destroy their potential opponent's recruitment. Your whole guild is too childish to understand this.

As long as you are GM TI will never provide a challenge. Your premade team will get GY farmed just as easily as poor ronjenknees.

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