Looking for 80-84 twinks to play with


hey, im looking for some people to group up with on Alliance and battleground with and have some fun, nothing serious, not premades or anything like that just group up and have some fun together.
there are very few 80-84 twinks on my realm, of what i know there's only 3 of us so far but trying to make it grow.
as there is so few of us we are not always on together to battleground with each other so im looking for some nice people to battleground with.

gear/skill/experience...none if it matters to me its just about having fun and making friends

feel free to add my battle tag Erador#2456

thanks in advance and i look forward to hearing from anyone :)

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LF an arena partner lvl 80 twink. I'm a twinked mage with mop gear etc. 2.2+ k achie easy.
Faction: Horde
Realm: Outland
Tag: Trapped#1582

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