EU Looking for 79 Alliance Twinks


With Shadowlands looming over us i'm in the process of gearing up 3 level 79s, currently i'm looking for players to join me for some loot swapping from the ICC Dungeons as well as some other BC dungeons. At the moment I have hit a issue where if i'm boosted by anything higher than my level the gear requirement on everything is set to level 80 making it useless to trade. My 79s are a Warrior, Hunter and Priest.

My btag is Tom#21520
Out of curiosity, what do you need from the ICC dungeons? Their drops are, for the most part, poorly itemised.

On topic, sadly all my 79s are Horde, so can't help you there.
You shouldn't be using weapons from there. If you're not 79 yet, you should farm at <79 (whatever level drops ilvl 99/100 for you) for ilvl 100 weapons. This is so you can use sharpening/weight stones for melee, or wizard oil for casters. If you're 79 already (so no ilvl 100 drops for you any more) then use quest weapons or SWP/TBC heroic weapons (or in some cases WotLK crafted ones).

As an example, an ilvl mainhand caster ilvl 100 weapon (from Ulduar) has 68 Int. Brilliant wizard oil adds 33 int, pushing it to 101. This is comparable to the Int you get from Hellfire Citadel mythic (ilvl 147 - 104 Int). When you pair it with an offhand with the 20 int enchant, there's no way anything else can compare at this level.

Can't comment on haste items without knowing what slots you are after, and for what class. Still, the lvl 79 gear guide in my sig should be a decent starting point.
On Alliance I have 79 druid, priest, rogue, hunter. Let me know if I can help in any way and what your plans on moving forward. I would love to be able to play these characters again..
Made a guild on Ravencrest EU Alliance if anyone has a itch to get some 79 / 29 fun going.

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