Looking for 10s EU!


EU Swine
Hey fellow 10 twinkers.

My name is Fuzzy (Ingame currently I am playing on my 10 alliance druid named Swiftie on Bronze Dragonflight EU)

Armoy: Swiftie @ Bronze Dragonflight - Community - World of Warcraft

I just thought that we 10s on EU could get together and do some stuff, arenas, PvE challenges etc. So if any of you guys wanna post your battle-tags here that would be sweet :)

My b-tag is: Brutal#2647

I'm in. Been working on a 10 warrior twink recently - once it is closer to completion I shall let you know.
Great, added you all. My gametime just ran out but I will be back in a couple days :) Cya then!
ADD F8trix#2359

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