Looking for 10 twink Real ID Freinds


I would like to ask you guys for your opinion on an opportunity of making Word PvP active thanks to Real ID cross realm groups. A little description below:

Let us say we have a 10-man raids with level 10 twinks. All from various realms crossed thanks to Real ID or BattleNet Tags. Let us say they are named:


If I am not wrong this combination will allow Twink1 to see all enemies from all from Realm1 to Realm10 at last + some other realms from random cross zones.

In this way you can go with your twink raid to any enemy zones with proper level 30-40 and you can find enemies quick (if I am not wrong of how cross-realm zones works),

What do you think about this idea? What about using this forum to create big Real ID connected cross-realms groups? If we can find like 100 active players, and all will be Real ID/ BattleNet Tag connected, can we do World PvP daily?
xxjackintheboxxx@gmail.com i pvp every single day 6hrs+ usually longer and am grouping all the time sometimes we will have to sync queues as you cannot queue with more than 5 but hopefully we will gather more horde and xp off will be going soon and this will be a none issue.
10-14 twink bracket games haven't happened since MoP was released. It might be easier to try to organize a wsg night on here rather than collecting realids, if you want a game to pop. :)
World PVP could be great this way - however - like Duckhunt used to say, " it's all fun and games until someone brings their main."

i am sure we could do some great stuff in Outlands. PVP or PVE

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