Longest WSG you have ever played?

The longest WSG I was in is about 5 hours. Back when you could get behind the base. A horde member decided to take the flag behind the base and ended up falling underneath the map. This was when you just kept falling forever instead of dying.
2h 45min playing 19 bracket, occurred in 2007. game wasn't a farm by either side. it was a all around battle. my econo-twink rogue at the time got 365 kills he was not at the top
5 hour's ish, but

I liked it pre-bc when game's lasted for like a minimum of 2 hours before x-realm bgs :)
Mine was about an hour. Mine never last that long. lmao

But did you guys see this in the 3.2 patch changes?

•Warsong Gulch

•There is a now a 20-minute timer on this Battleground. After that time, the team with the most flag captures wins. If this would result in a tie, the team that captured the first flag wins. If neither side has captured a flag, then the game ends in a tie.

3hr 37 minutes post debuff. It just happened yesterday.

We held the alliance at bay in a 2-0 game coming back to win 3-2. I wanted it to go on longer. I was nearing 200k damage done. I wanted to get damage control SO FREAKING BAD. I had a super paladin healing me the whole time. He said as long as he was alive, I wouldn't die. He was right. We both died 3 times from Zergs on the tunnel (we were defending.)
No joke, I just got out of a 3:40 pug game. came in around 3:15, luckly a few buddys qued in and we cleaned up. :D

most entertaining BG i have ever been in. (note, this isnt twink related, as i am the lvl 16 druid named ...aecyss :p

(oh, and reason for there beeing 4 hordes... our FC was farming... our entire team was in flagroom... nuff said, and it was late at night, so ni reqeues)

(ps. miss that priest :p he showed me a very large amount of good FC hiding spots) :>

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