1. Lazy.
2. There is battle.net app for that, making chat easier.
3. Why dont you play your mage at 90 instead wasting time on this one at 24? Trust me, it has many more spells.
But the answer is in your first 6 lines. Why the need of this topic tho? You dont need to justify anything. Gl on getting glad at 90 but on the field i'll farm you as hell when i meet you, just the way Geera was.
I think me and you should dual 90s I'd love to see your skillz
Welcome back, had a nice bg with you yesterday. Fuck haters, just play 24 mage if mage's what you like; f2p mages just get globalled by shit f2p rogues/hunters in most bgs.
I'm not going to play Frost, definitely Arcane/Fire. 24 Frost Mage seems to be just as un skilled really as Hunter...
p.s. yeah was GG's
Want me to spoil the fun? Neah.
Changing from dps set to fc set just to survive it's futile when you're marked for farm, just saying
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24 Night Elf Frost Mage, Ragnaros