Locked xp bgs working now.

well the bug of only beeing able to queue for 1 battle is still there , as is the one that you can queue to dungeons while in the bg queue , im on the queue for 40 mins and havent got a pop yet , lets see...
youve never been able to que for dungeons while qued for pvp, so that isnt a bug (unless i missed a blue stating they intend you to do both)
youve never been able to que for dungeons while qued for pvp, so that isnt a bug (unless i missed a blue stating they intend you to do both)


see the second ss , im queued in both , and the other thing i was talking about , is in the first ss , im only queued in one bg and i cant queue on the second , well i have been on the queue for a total of 3 hours now , so i gess they are not fixed , my gess is that you can get in a ocasional bg , when enough people queue and their queue doesnt bug?
pretty sure thats a ui bug showing you in both ques......youve never been able to do both.

the "you can only que for 2 bgs" is a bug since it says that when youre only in que for one....idk how they havent fixt that
if i queue to a battleground i cant right away queue for dungeons , only after a random amount of time . thats what i suspect its the problem, maybe you are removed from the bg queue(bug) and it still shows you there, i dunno

i saw a post in the eu pvp forums from a blue saying :

We are aware that the cross-language queue system for Battlegrounds is currently experiencing issues, which has resulted in some players facing extended queue times. We are working on a solution to fix this, and we apologise for the inconvenience that this may cause. 3 days ago

3 days ago = 5/01 i mean , what the fuck , have they only realised this whole problem 3 days ago????
lol, They need to fix it asap. I had to do the bc trail just to get in bgs. I refuse to upgrade my account
Upgrading your account isn't all that bad.

Lock xp, you're lumped into xp off BGs anyway.

That way you can queue for EOTS.

It doesn't help the random lfg tool when lots of capped accounts can't enter a certain BG, when xp off can.
If I do decide to upgrade to a bc account, Can I keep exp off So I dont level and still get into bg's?
Also, if youre on an upgraded account you can turn your xp on and do wgs's w/ your guild, just dont cap flags or complete the bg (/afk @ 2 min) and you'll be good to go. My guild's been runnin this nightly for quite a few days, tis a lot of fun! - Also, for XP off bg's im still getting "unavaliable" messages :/
Ugh, I wish they would fix it so I can bg without upgrading :[ , I sent in a ticket and they said its a known issue and will be forward to the quality assurance team. And they are working on a fix for it.
everyone should just run wsg premades in xp on and grief the levelers till blizzard unfucks this que situation
Falkor said:
everyone should just run wsg premades in xp on and grief the levelers till blizzard unfucks this que situation

We are doing this. We could really use some more peeps doing it as well. I really enjoy seeing all kids say stuff like "OMFG CAP THE FLAG U FCKN RTARD!" - Always tell em to complain to bliz so they fix our capped BGs. Maybe they'll get around to it soon :s
the queue for bg and dungeon bug has been out since the merged queues.

i've left many a LFD dungeon run when my BG queue pops...


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