
(not a flame post, as @name threads often are)

I am looking for advice on how to better succeed at arena as a 29 hunter, I never really got to do competitive arena on my old battlegroup and was recently funded a toon on reckoning, I am pretty good at wsg (atleast, I think so /shrug). annnnyways, I figure if I want to get better I should seek help from a long-time 29 arena player like yourself.

2v2/3v3: I did mostly 1v1s back on Ruin so I tend to have bad positioning, because i'm used to 1v1s, my healer often tells me I have ranged him or los'd him. would like some tips on how to better be positioned.

rogues are also a big issue for me because I don't have the luxery of running around trying to pull him out of stealth so they basically always get the opener on me. I normally don't trinket cheapshot (should I be?) because in 1v1s (what i'm used to doing) a poison gets instantly reaplyed anyways.

I have quite a few pets, if we're facing a team with a rogue or war on it, I use my owl for the 6 sec disarm. Is this, in your opinion, a good choice? or should I stick with a hyena/spider for keeping melee off/healers in los durin clutch moments?

Traps: I almost always use Aoe frost trap, because that's what I always do in wsg /shrug, are there any situations where a freezing (the iceblock one) would be better ? (apart from the obvious pally with freedom and trinket on CD is running towards me)

5v5: I did some 5v5 yesterday, and got focused in a few, and got pretty much destroyed through agm and lifeblood by a rogue retpally and a hunter, (BoP came late in the one match I had died, and I was killed by a judgement and arcane shot crits) , so apart from getting bop'd, any tips of surviving being focused? ( we didn't have a priest on our team ,so both hoj and cheap were undispellable accept for trinket, so I was trinketing cheap shot so the pally would blow the first judgement on me when I didn't have a stun on, (which he did) , would it be better to take the full crit/cheapshot in the initial burst or save it for HoJ'd judgement when i'm in bop?

Apart from advice on how to get better/deal with the above, any other tips/suggestions you could give me?
Vallei said:
(not a flame post, as @name threads often are)

I am looking for advice on how to better succeed at arena as a 29 hunter, I never really got to do competitive arena on my old battlegroup and was recently funded a toon on reckoning, I am pretty good at wsg (atleast, I think so /shrug). annnnyways, I figure if I want to get better I should seek help from a long-time 29 arena player like yourself.

2v2/3v3: I did mostly 1v1s back on Ruin so I tend to have bad positioning, because i'm used to 1v1s, my healer often tells me I have ranged him or los'd him. would like some tips on how to better be positioned.

rogues are also a big issue for me because I don't have the luxery of running around trying to pull him out of stealth so they basically always get the opener on me. I normally don't trinket cheapshot (should I be?) because in 1v1s (what i'm used to doing) a poison gets instantly reaplyed anyways.

I have quite a few pets, if we're facing a team with a rogue or war on it, I use my owl for the 6 sec disarm. Is this, in your opinion, a good choice? or should I stick with a hyena/spider for keeping melee off/healers in los durin clutch moments?

Traps: I almost always use Aoe frost trap, because that's what I always do in wsg /shrug, are there any situations where a freezing (the iceblock one) would be better ? (apart from the obvious pally with freedom and trinket on CD is running towards me)

5v5: I did some 5v5 yesterday, and got focused in a few, and got pretty much destroyed through agm and lifeblood by a rogue retpally and a hunter, (BoP came late in the one match I had died, and I was killed by a judgement and arcane shot crits) , so apart from getting bop'd, any tips of surviving being focused? ( we didn't have a priest on our team ,so both hoj and cheap were undispellable accept for trinket, so I was trinketing cheap shot so the pally would blow the first judgement on me when I didn't have a stun on, (which he did) , would it be better to take the full crit/cheapshot in the initial burst or save it for HoJ'd judgement when i'm in bop?

Apart from advice on how to get better/deal with the above, any other tips/suggestions you could give me?

go this spec + glyphs for arenas: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft. it is completely broken and ruins 29 arenas even more than they're already ruined by hunters. glyph of frost trap adds approximately a 98% area increase to frost trap - it literally doubles the AOE. you can cover virtually the entire map with frost traps once the fight begins, and they stay up forever. please just don't tell anyone about this, because i don't want ppl to use it since it's so broken.

in arena, as a hunter you're gonna be focused 9 times out of 10 in any level bracket. so you gotta make sure you don't panic and kite well. since you say you're going up against ret paladins, i suggest saving your trinket for hoj unless your healer is boping you during hoj.

you say you're playing 3v3 and 5v5, so you should *probably* have a poison cleanser on your team. really, it's their job to keep cleansing poison on you so you can get a little distance to continue kiting across the frost trap. if a couple melee catch up to you, just disengage ACROSS the radius of the frost trap. they're never going to catch up to you now, and disengage has a pretty short cd.

you really shouldn't have any problems infinitely kiting people at 29 once you get the hang of it. remember to always switch to aspect of the monkey when someone gets on you, it makes a big difference and it's on a SEPARATE global cooldown so it won't slow you down. and keep them in front of you to dodge...my hunters have like 33% dodge with monkey up. between your ridiculously enormous frost traps that take up the entire map and disengage, you're going to kite them all day and your target will take too much damage because of aimed shot and the other team will eventually oom from being forced to spam heals.

you shouldn't really be getting opened on from a rogue...put your pet on aggressive at the start of the match with track hidden up. it will lolget the rogue out of stealth. just remember to put him back onto passive afterwards. and if you're having trouble LOSing your healers, i suggest that you use raid icons in arenas. with a raid icon over everyone's head, it makes it a lot easier to tell where your teammates are.

practice some more and let me know how it goes.
Lloydganks said:
go this spec + glyphs for arenas: Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft. it is completely broken and ruins 29 arenas even more than they're already ruined by hunters. glyph of frost trap adds approximately a 98% area increase to frost trap - it literally doubles the AOE. you can cover virtually the entire map with frost traps once the fight begins, and they stay up forever. please just don't tell anyone about this, because i don't want ppl to use it since it's so broken.

in arena, as a hunter you're gonna be focused 9 times out of 10 in any level bracket. so you gotta make sure you don't panic and kite well. since you say you're going up against ret paladins, i suggest saving your trinket for hoj unless your healer is boping you during hoj.

you say you're playing 3v3 and 5v5, so you should *probably* have a poison cleanser on your team. really, it's their job to keep cleansing poison on you so you can get a little distance to continue kiting across the frost trap. if a couple melee catch up to you, just disengage ACROSS the radius of the frost trap. they're never going to catch up to you now, and disengage has a pretty short cd.

you really shouldn't have any problems infinitely kiting people at 29 once you get the hang of it. remember to always switch to aspect of the monkey when someone gets on you, it makes a big difference and it's on a SEPARATE global cooldown so it won't slow you down. and keep them in front of you to dodge...my hunters have like 33% dodge with monkey up. between your ridiculously enormous frost traps that take up the entire map and disengage, you're going to kite them all day and your target will take too much damage because of aimed shot and the other team will eventually oom from being forced to spam heals.

you shouldn't really be getting opened on from a rogue...put your pet on aggressive at the start of the match with track hidden up. it will lolget the rogue out of stealth. just remember to put him back onto passive afterwards. and if you're having trouble LOSing your healers, i suggest that you use raid icons in arenas. with a raid icon over everyone's head, it makes it a lot easier to tell where your teammates are.

practice some more and let me know how it goes.

Thanks, I'll give that spec/glyph combo a try.

Would it have a massively negative effect of my gameplay if I were to spec 3/3 careful aim so I still hit hard and gear for more intellect? in the 5v5s I did yesterday I was running oom by the time we had downed 2-3 at 1750 mana. plus I would still like to have careful aim for wsg .

If so, would it be better to spend the 1 remaining point in trap mastery or entrapment, 1 point in trap mastery would still mean 100 percent uptime on frost trap including trap arming time, wouldn't it?

www.wowhead.com/?talent#cZ0eV0oZf0z[code][/code] something like that?

Should I switch to a wolf for your setup? for burst? or stick with owl/hyena/spider?
I was under the assumption that just logging onto a hunter means you automatically win at everything, perhaps you should try this concept. When you get to the log in screen, select your hunter and click the enter world button. You will most likely win if you do this.

- Here we see a cow hunter preparing himself to win, it takes a lot of concentration. GL it's a treacherous road ahead.
Sorry but if you play hunter you pretty much lose all credit you might gain for yourself, regardless of performance.
fuzzles said:
Sorry but if you play hunter you pretty much lose all credit you might gain for yourself, regardless of performance.

Blanket asinine generalization. I twas only joking aboot mine.
Vallei said:
Thanks, I'll give that spec/glyph combo a try.

Would it have a massively negative effect of my gameplay if I were to spec 3/3 careful aim so I still hit hard and gear for more intellect? in the 5v5s I did yesterday I was running oom by the time we had downed 2-3 at 1750 mana. plus I would still like to have careful aim for wsg .

If so, would it be better to spend the 1 remaining point in trap mastery or entrapment, 1 point in trap mastery would still mean 100 percent uptime on frost trap including trap arming time, wouldn't it?

[/code]]Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft something like that?

Should I switch to a wolf for your setup? for burst? or stick with owl/hyena/spider?

i really don't see why people think they are magically hitting way harder with careful aim at 29. do the math - literally, ALL of the math for ALL of your gear and then come back and tell me how big of a difference careful aim makes. you hit plenty hard without careful aim at 29. hunters do such a ridiculous amount of damage at 29 that the maybe 5% at BEST dps increase from careful aim will not make as much of a difference in arena as the ridiculous control you can have with your traps.

1750 mana is plenty for 5v5. pleeeeeenty. i am assuming you're starting with 2 intellect weapons, then switching to agility when you use the excess mana. then when you go oom or are about to, you equip your intel weapons again and go viper for a few seconds, rinse, and repeat. you can set up an easy macro for this so you can just hit 1 button. going oom should just never, ever be a problem for hunters at 29.....to be honest, i don't think i have even used my intellect weapons a single time since viper was made available at 29. i just never even need them because i manage my mana well.

i use a spider for 3v3 and 5v5 at 29. the net is just too gay not to use. and you already have 100% uptime on frost trap...frost trap has a 30 second cooldown and lasts 30 seconds....maybe i'm confused as to what you're getting at here. and i didn't mention this before, but you're going to want around 2000 hp unbuffed as a hunter in 5v5. that number will be around 2400 with fort and kings.
Maerduk said:
Blanket asinine generalization. I twas only joking aboot mine.
While I think hunters are OP, I meant more along the lines of no one else will recognize it. It's not a class you can get credit for being good with because of the general attitude towards it.
fuzzles said:
While I think hunters are OP, I meant more along the lines of no one else will recognize it. It's not a class you can get credit for being good with because of the general attitude towards it.

indeed. hunters have by FAR the highest skill cap of any class at 29. it's not even close. but since they are also so overpowered, they are very forgiving of bad play. truly a dumb class.
Lloydganks said:
i really don't see why people think they are magically hitting way harder with careful aim at 29. do the math - literally, ALL of the math for ALL of your gear and then come back and tell me how big of a difference careful aim makes. you hit plenty hard without careful aim at 29. hunters do such a ridiculous amount of damage at 29 that the maybe 5% at BEST dps increase from careful aim will not make as much of a difference in arena as the ridiculous control you can have with your traps.

1750 mana is plenty for 5v5. pleeeeeenty. i am assuming you're starting with 2 intellect weapons, then switching to agility when you use the excess mana. then when you go oom or are about to, you equip your intel weapons again and go viper for a few seconds, rinse, and repeat. you can set up an easy macro for this so you can just hit 1 button. going oom should just never, ever be a problem for hunters at 29.....to be honest, i don't think i have even used my intellect weapons a single time since viper was made available at 29. i just never even need them because i manage my mana well.

i use a spider for 3v3 and 5v5 at 29. the net is just too gay not to use. and you already have 100% uptime on frost trap...frost trap has a 30 second cooldown and lasts 30 seconds....maybe i'm confused as to what you're getting at here. and i didn't mention this before, but you're going to want around 2000 hp unbuffed as a hunter in 5v5. that number will be around 2400 with fort and kings.

I know in theory it has a 100 percent uptime, but I was taking into account trap arming time making it not quite 100 percent uptime.

I tried your spec, and I didn't really notice a huge drop in my shots damage (like ten once I switch to agil focused set) so you're right about that. and yeah, the control is ridiculous. I used to use a spider, so I will go back to it.

Could you link that macro? Right now I just have both my weapon swap macros bound to two dif keys, agil weps on 6, and int weps on 7, I don't really like it on 7 as it's kind of a reach, but I don't switch back to int weps on combat often, so that macro you mentioned would be great.
off the top of my head, i believe it would be:

hawk/agility weapons:

/cast Aspect of the Hawk

/equipslot 16 Name of your mainhand agility weapon

/equipslot 17 Name of your offhand agility weapon

mana/viper weapons:

/cast Aspect of the Viper

/equipslot 16 Name of your mainhand intellect weapon

/equipslot 17 Name of your offhand intellect weapon

of course, you will also need a macro for aspect of the hawk/monkey switching that won't switch your weapons. this can be done rather simply

/cast Aspect of the Monkey

/cast Aspect of the Hawk

if you wanna go monkey when someone's on you, use the hotkey once. to get back to hawk, use the hotkey again. and so on.
Lloydganks said:
off the top of my head, i believe it would be:

hawk/agility weapons:

/cast Aspect of the Hawk

/equipslot 16 Name of your mainhand agility weapon

/equipslot 17 Name of your offhand agility weapon

mana/viper weapons:

/cast Aspect of the Viper

/equipslot 16 Name of your mainhand intellect weapon

/equipslot 17 Name of your offhand intellect weapon

of course, you will also need a macro for aspect of the hawk/monkey switching that won't switch your weapons. this can be done rather simply

/cast Aspect of the Monkey

/cast Aspect of the Hawk

if you wanna go monkey when someone's on you, use the hotkey once. to get back to hawk, use the hotkey again. and so on.

And casting the hawk/agil wep macro while already in hawk won't cancel the aspect, right?

Sorry, never really used many macros , just my reg wep switchs that aren't bound to aspects, and I switch aspects manually.

If I were in aspect of the viper, and hit the Hawk/monkey macro, which aspect would it switch to first? the first one listed, yeah?

Thanks for all you advice/help.

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