Little tip for those trying to get their new fishing hat.

Damn! I've deleted or looted something out of all of my bags. Oh well, guess it's time to start saving. Hopefully this works!
this has worked for me before with fishing bags from the shat daily. my inv was full on my main from farming, so i didn't take the stuff out, then after tuesday maint it had a crocolisk pet in it that definitely wasn't there the first time i opened it.
Lovestotwink said:
its not every tuesday. when we have to agree to a new patch or get talent reset patch's is usaly when it resets. im told transfers work too.

Damn... youre wrong look at page 1 down the bottom :)
Damn... youre wrong look at page 1 down the bottom

lol ok thanks for the advise. its not the first time someone has said this is confirmed and its not. i find its best to test things out yourself. i was giving pre 4.0.3 advice. sorry for the confusion all.
Quelfep said:
where is the fishing daily for alliance?

Almost at stockades :p

Or you just ask a guard...
Quelfep said:
i did and went to the trainer but there was no daily in sight

The person who sells fishing supplies is who gives it out (next to the fishing trainer). I forget the npc name off hand.

If you all ready have the daily in your quest log then it won't show up when you try to get the daily the next day. ;P

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