<Listax> lvl 70 twink and raiding guild (EU) recruiting


We are a level 70 guild only and we choose to call it “Listaxâ€￾ We do weekly BG competition, Arena, heroics, raids and other fun stuff. We have set up different hardmodes in our TBC guild to keep it on a level which we all can get the old feeling of TBC or introduce new level 70’s that didn’t get their try back in TBC.

We raid all the TBC raids such as Karazhan, Gruul, Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest keep, Doomwalker, Kruul, Hyjal Summit, Black Temple and Sunwell Plateau.

<Listax> is The Sha’Tars only level 70 (alliance) twink guild.

You May join the guild when you are level 1 and have applied to our guild

- No Death Knights allowed.

- All races is allowed.

- WOTLK/CATACLYSM upgrades allowed.

- New Cataclysm race/class combinations allowed.

- Max level allowed in the guild is level 70.


Guild Master

Officer: (people that are suitable to lead a raid)

Class Leader: (Knowing your class and can be leader of PVP team and also be suitable to keep track on other peoples gear, theorycraft(rotation), gem, glyphs,proffessions,Etc.)

Core Raider: (Need to be full epic and an item level of around 141. Gives only the best, does the best effort , work hard, have the best gear,Etc.)

Raider: (Need to be full epic and an item level of around 115/121 )

Member: (You are officially a member of our guild)

Trial: (When you get in the guild, you start with a trial rank which you will be set under a test)

Don’t wait, you’ll only miss it!

Join us today!

Guild Website: Home : Listax - EU - English - The Sha'tar - WoW - Guild Hosting - Guild Launch
They so pro they copied <Acquired Taste>'s guild intro for their website pretty much word for word. GG.




Its nice to see you around unholy. ROFL at this scrub. He clearly missed to take out -although a TBC account is recommended.
Trolololo, does this guild sound promising?! their website look rather un-updated but are they active on the server?! anyone know lol, possible to give them a bump up?

And EEEeeeeh someone copied my work here I see, who the heck may that be.

The shatar also reminds me of a 60 guild, is that one promising too?

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting ????

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting ????

‪Listax TBC raiding guild Gurubashi arena event‬&rlm; - YouTube ????

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

‪Listax 2v2 arena skirmish‬&rlm; - YouTube

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting

OOoh sweet they do kara, Is there any news from these guys, is there anyone that know any new updates about me??

~ <Listax>

~ EU

~ Sha'tar

~ Alliance

~ Perk 4?

Whats the requirements to join?

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~ blank

How many days you raid :

~ blank

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~ blank

Are you pve or pvp?

~ blank

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Whats your progression, finished TK yet?

~ blank

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Tip : Dont copy my website and try make another of it+these guys should really get more vids up, looked interesting even considering what they've done , looks funny and, hm, entusiastic.

Just one question before i'm off, are you for real or just casual to have a 70 guild, I havent looked through all of your forums yet but I would like an quick answer on my interesticy
We are mixed PvE and PvP, With mixed events throughout the week - Raiding 4 nights a week. And the rest PvP events.

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