List of BIS enchants for each Class/Spec?

I'm looking for some guidance on what to enchant on each spec, I'm not looking for huge detail on exactly which enchants to buy, since I prefer to spend a little less (I.e. I'm doing breath of enchants on anything that doesn't scale differently to Gift of)

I'm more looking for what certain stats should be on each spec (I.e. Stack haste on Boomkin)

I'm not looking for the most expensive ones that give 1 extra spirit or something else really minor, because I'm trying to twink all classes and specs before my sub ends in a couple weeks (have 19k to spend, already have all looms and a lot of enchants)

Any help is appreciated
I have it posted in the 20-29 section and in the guide section.
Each enchant. How they scale for level 20 and how they scale to level 29.

^has it right. I use full spellpower for mid clashes with heals, a stam/haste set for pumping out fears while escorting a FC, a stam set for BEING a FC, a tankier version of my spellpower set..

Every stat has its place
I find i venture off of what most people consider best for what fits my own playstyle as many mentioned. I do know disc priest the common theme is haste. Most warriors use versitality but i prefer crit etc.

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