Limiting Premades to 1 Boomkin per Team

Okay i give you more details here :

to get the 25 meters range to kick 1 healer of the opponents team with a BM monk in front of you i let you imagine in which kind of worst position you are(according the healer you face play Max range from his mate 40 meters i let you imagine where you are on the map and where the opponents healers are on the map) and if the monk is decent 2 rolls back and grip you and you are dead.

well put, but it all doesn't fall onto the shoulders of the healers positioning it comes down to your full teams positioning because the only way a Healer can stay 40 yards behind there DPS is if all their dps is Ranged, and for a pug to coordinate enough to compete with that is asking alot. But good point in premade situation it is doable.
well put, but it all doesn't fall onto the shoulders of the healers positioning it comes down to your full teams positioning because the only way a Healer can stay 40 yards behind there DPS is if all their dps is Ranged, and for a pug to coordinate enough to compete with that is asking alot. But good point in premade situation it is doable.

I though we were talking about premade already since it's the title of the thread. If i can something you should check our premades videos (Tough Love EU) you will get my point more easily.
removed quote by someone circumventing ban

Paraphrased for language:

That is rather insipid. I have stated multiple times that I don't excessively care about this current bracket and in my opinion there is a dearth of skilled 19 EU players. I am just performing the act of "trolling" TwinkInfo in hopes of getting a third infraction and thus banned soon. You, dear ban evader, demonstrate a saddening lack of humour and a highly amusing fierce temper, succumbing to provocation while lacking the intellect to comprehend that I am, in fact, "trolling".
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I make some good @ss threads

EU be going wild

...............................................Be here All week :cool:
not even remotely close. I wouldn't miss out on 150k-200k dmg x2 just to get a double ambush oneshot in once in a while.

Ummm...if that "once in a while" returns a flag or returns a base turning the tide of a game....yeah
This thread is so seriously off topic at times I give up trying to clean. I won't ban anyone but I handed out some infractions.

Here's my chatter killer:

Take discussion on who's best or worst to PMs or the Tavern. Don't insult each other with such boring lack of class and creativity.
Any off topic post after this one gets two infraction points
hunter does more spread dmg than aff lock. serpent sting stronk

hmm, wouldn't have figured that but having 2 affliction locks would definitely gimp. I'm excited to see how ele shamans are in a premade scenario
for boomkins its entirely up to tje 2 guilds to decide on this. im just curious to see if like pizza would refuse to premade someone if there is a 1 boomkin limit rule
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