Lover of life, pvp and consumables! ;)
feel free to add comments , love and miss you all!
feel free to add comments , love and miss you all!
Wow, did the latest patch remove the ability to use comsumables, battle standards, cosmetics/costumes and first aid in bgs. Wtf are they thinking, now when playing balance I have no way of getting reliable heals or standing a chance, because duck relying on random levelers to heal me.![]()
True, I didnt know that. Havent been on since the patch hit, still all the other stuff that isnt usable in bgs sucks e.g. battle standards, toys, consumables and costumes.Balance gets regrowth in the single digit levels now..
Don't get drunk and rant on the forums on patch day. They just released a major patch. These are bugs. I agree with the notion that templates suck, but dayumn. That rant was like a drunk, sexually frustrated, vape enthusiast with a Dale Earnhardt cap on that just got rejected by a fat girl after staying up for three days because he stole his cousin's aderol.
Sad to tell you son, Holy Crit is/was not the "biggest 24 twink guild in Azeroth.
Somfas I know life treated you unfair and you need something to make you feel good about it. I would try fitting into a youth football game, just shave and put on your uni before the game. Wouldn't hurt to have a fake birth cirtificate as well. Good luck!
yeah actually, it was, with the highest active member 24s list in game when we were at our peak just before I passed it on to Brain,and it grew even more after he got it and even more when sodapoppin came in for Duo and all Sodas fanboys joined in, we reached max (1000) and had to filter. I personally left for other reasons but one of them was that exact fact, tooo big, when I don't know every person logging in by name, too big. and the ranking came from the amount of level 24s that had logged in and played in a specified time period, but I understand, it's ok if you think otherwise, and I'm fine with the others that want to troll me but really, that was only a small comment for legitimizing the rest of it with twinking experience enough to say ive been doing this for a while and have some legit complaints that are shared by a lot of other frustrated twinks, but thanks for the comment on that one sentence in the wall<3
I am pretty sure, Son I am old enough to have donated the sperm that brought you to this world. I may be wrong, Submit age if you would like to contest that
Yeah,I like Honeybadger, we still skype chat from time to time, he really wanted some good competitive games, unfortunately, blizz (WoD drop) killed our queue system and pretty much the game now, I went to rerolls in he 10-19s untill recently when the Xp merge brought hope back for our bracket.
As far as adding your guilds together as (sister) guilds to count that way is funny, It was the same people with 7-10 toons each in guild on both sides, in fact he REQUIRED everyone to have toons on both sides so you could do wargames and learn to be better players if I rememberI always thought that was a awesome way to help ppl learn CC DR Chains, Priorities, shared DR classes, and so much more he taught his core people, I think he was a great Leader
Correct me if that was Lith from Sua Sponte, I may be wrong in that statement but I can ask Honeybadger. But wether you played on your alliance vs your Horde team in one game or on your Horde vs your Alliance team, you are still only counted as one, for the sake of figuring actual activity.
I'm not bashing you but what you must not have understood about my statement ( I will concede that we were 3 maxed guilds and equal in overall numbers) is that I said (copy paste of the said statement) "I have been the GM of the largest 24 twink guild IN AZEROTH (Holy Crit Azuremyst) with the largest active twinks roster at one time" (Focus on) "with the largest active twink roster at one time")
There were more INDIVIDUAL people logging in and playing in a given interval. The numbers used were not repetitive, My 11 toons counted as ONE Person for the specified period.
Brain did all the math and kept track of who was whos alts and there were more active (separate people) online than any other guild in that bracket. ( example (estimate on my part) 350 DIFFERENT People played in the last week he counted) I'm not even trying to say it means a shit or makes me better than anyone or even special, I was just using it for damn accents to my statement for legitimacy, like if a Doctor is trying to make a statement about the damage to the human heart from lack of exercise and "accents" for impact by following with a statement that he has done more Open Heart operations and procedures on the books on unhealthy people than any other doctor (surgeon) and then you come in and say " you havent done the most operations, our team has a doctor with 300 more operations than you..... " .. just as an example of what I think happened in that miscommunication there.
I hope that cleared things up and you caught that in the 2 statement examples I used, but I fear you probably didn't read my whole wall of text on the bnet forum I linked. I'm sure by your focus on this subject that you stopped reading at "Biggest .. ... . " and started your replies, thats cool, but that wasn't my focus and it was not a misstatement.
If you are for some reason unhappy with my statement still, and want to contest this for the official title trophy from 2012-2014 Please feel free to find your screenshots and submit with your numbers and dates and toon ownership for a comparrison to our screenshots and numbers we have from back then. It was a very proud moment in time and we etched it in pixels overall.
Azuremyst Holy Crit STILL to this day , even though it hasn't been active for years has 341 level 20-29s and thats after the guy that I gave temp co GM to so he could try and rebuild it, kicked hundreds of people that hadn't been on... Taking multiple toons into account it is probably still 60 people that left their toons in the HC I turned into a twink guild on Azuremyst. That statement I just made means NOTHING, it's just an interesting note
I ran premades vs premades against Lithology, planned and organized in vent, I never dodged. Lots of allies wanted to run against us (My AB team) but none of them were willing to do the syncs and be patient like my team had been, I wasn't gonna hand em a instant pop sync in a wargame, not after the months of dedication and patience my guys had put in.
I personally never wanted to run wsg wargames, thats not my niche but I would have run in someone elses that was leading it.
I don't judge horde or alliance . just cause someone kicks my ass doesn't make me hate em, it's actually NOT very hard to kick my ass, I'm an old scrub that crutches on gear and goodies... (and Premades) but the first thing I do when I log in is Q for a BG. I have no fear of pugging,
I ran solo for my first 50k HKs till Duo finally got a hold of me on real id. but my main love was not WSG and I know you guys were all righteous about playstyle, but I'm not, I am not for or against GY farming, I have been on the receiving side of that from many alli teams MANY times, BUT being camped IS a choice. If your GY is being controlled and you keep rezzing, thats on you. I personally would usually get bored and run off to make an alliance friend that escaped the GY and have a picnic (WHEN I was running in Duo's groups) , when I was running my groups we ran AB most often as I loved leading big bgs with multiple objectives, that was my passion, I liked double achievement runs to help the horde get their achievements there because the Alliance dominated AB until then.
So I would appreciate it when you are slinging mud, make sure it goes in the right direction. I am not a dickhead, most of the time. I do camp gys now and then but it is the LAST place I want to be. one objective, easily dominated by a FoTM group controlling mid, and MANY times, won and carried by a single tunnel-jumping-line-of-sighting-kiting-resto fkn druid. .. just sayin, Love ya Drad <3 , dickhead, haha. That's all I got for now, gotta go. I FUCKENLOVE YOU ALL!!!!