<liféless> Level 1 twink guild is looking after people like you!

165 lvl 1 twink members in the guild now!
167 lvl 1 twink members now!!
Very friendly GM, soon ill come back Royanz <3 Worth joining
181 level 1 twink members in the guild right now!! people joining every week and we are having events every weekend every class and race is welcome! we play at EU Bronzebeard Aliance! :) you can Whisper : (Royanz) in-game for an inv and for more info etc about the guild! :)

An event we did for 1 week ago :)
183 members! we had event today we did some fun stuff in the Arena Free for all and 1v1 and 2v2 ^^ And some mobs kills
Seeing this is an active level 1 guild id be interested to see some BIS armories for each class I personally have a level 1 rogue here on US and would like to compare gear and what not with others. If i was on EU i'd definetly join looks like a ton of fun!
Sounds awesome man! :) you would be more than welcome if you would switch to EU! :)
3 new members from yesterday! :) we are now 191 level 1 twink members :) we have events every weekend every race and class is welcome to join :) we fund exp lock and gear from starting members and ofc our Tabards! :) soon 200th Members! :)


Her'es a Picture from the members last week we recuited and me in the middle wearing my Christmas set hehe ^^

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