<liféless> Level 1 twink guild is looking after people like you!


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Greating guys!
<liféless> Life have started to grow in the level 1 twink alliance guild and we are
currently looking for people like you. With over 100 lvl 1 twinks we are growing more
and more each day. Now we need you!

1. About liféless
2. Events
3. How to contact us and more info

1. About liféless

liféless is a lvl 1 twink guild at Bronzebeard
We are alliance
We have over 160 members(only lvl 1 twinks) Roster - Community - World of Warcraft
We got our own youtube chanel lifeless Guild - YouTube
We got 6 Tabs full of enchants and gear
liféless were made 2010-24-03
Events will soon be scheduled
We do both Pve and PvP

2. Events

We have atleast one event every week. We will increase the number of events by how many
members we can see active and the amount of members joining the guild.
We do all kinds of events from World PvP, Raids, Rep Farm, Arena, Duel
and loads more. We upload all events we do on our youtube chanel to make
members and viewers able to look at our progress and all fun stuff we do in liféless.
Rare/Elite downed list
Taskmaster Fizzule
Gorishi Fledgling Colossus
Warlord Thresh'jin

3. How to contact us and more info
Guild Master:
Royanz - Rogue Battletag: Royanz#2390

Lyxx (old name Nibb) - Paladin Battletag: Vibecka#2944
Shórtý - Hunter Battletag: Shortý#2650

If you would like to contact us about any information you would like
to know about the guild, leave us a post down below or send me
a Private Massage and i will answer you!

Here is some examples on our events!
liféless vs Gory (Mini Patchwerk 35 Elite 16k Hp) - YouTube
liféless vs Warlord Thresh'jin (43 Elite 14k Hp) - YouTube


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is liféless still active? And I might make a character there but he's gonna need some gold and stuff, would you care?
I would love to join but my lvl one twink is on zuluhed... How many of the 100 twinks are active? Please add my btag: Apollo#1877
I would love to join but my lvl one twink is on zuluhed... How many of the 100 twinks are active? Please add my btag: Apollo#1877

We are now back alive and we are starting to recruit once again! we are atm 5-7 active twinks, but more coming as we can see atm :)
125 Members! :D
Event today! Raid! Yes first raid of the guild since WoD Hit! Lets get started! 21.00 The event beggins! We will record all fight and upload to our youtubechanel for you guys to both see your or other fighting oldschool 1 Twink Raid Rares and Elites!
Hello! I would be very interested in joining you guys. Unfortunately, my main and my twink are on Korgath-Horde, but I just started a twink on your realm. Add me @ Midew#1909
You're more than welcome to join ous :) everyone is welcome! :)
128 Members!
Is the guild still active?? have been searching for you guys on Bronzebeard, but the realm seems totally dead atleast in Goldshire and Stormwind it does
It have been many days and many night since we saw the old members of liféless online. It have been a long time since the guild had events running. It have been a long time since liféless was active. But now it is finally time for a change.
It have been decided that liféless will be revived and with this revival of the guild revive the old memories that the guild brought with itself at its glory days. The old officers and the old and high esteem Guild Leader Royanz have fianlly decided to revive the great full and verging on legendary liféless

So here we go!
Now all you got to do is check out http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f82...nk-guild-looking-after-people-like-you-54885/ in order to know what you can expect from the guild, were to find us and how to contact us for more questions.

(Small exampel of what we will be jumping into as you join us)

//The whole conduit of liféless
Level 1 twinks will be back. Once we were this many on one single event made, with everyone's help we can make this guild Legendary agian.
The recruitment has officialy began agian.

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