Lifeblood / PTR

Heya all,

Finnaly got my 19 transfered to PTR, put all skill changes aside, there is a big WTF with herbalism and lifeblood atm.

I have herb @ 225, and when i poped lifeblood rank 4 it only healed me for around 120hp, ticked one time only even tho i had only 10% hp.

I mean, 55 haste is nice, but common..

Any blue post you guys know of explaining changes to lifeblood and if the current PTR lifeblood will make live?

Will u change herb profession into some other cuz of that?
i think this change is a very nice.

225 herb + troll/orc racial = awesome.
Its a big nerf healing wise, but for some classes the change is huge. Haste helps regenerate focus so hunters feral druids and rogues gain the most directly from it. But other classes, mainly casters might end up liking it the most. You can gain roughly 25% haste with it, meaning faster dot tics, and quicker casts.

The healing part is horrible, especially with the damage increase. I have yet to see any blue posts, but this is how it will stay.

I would still roll with herbing on all my alts, I might change to mining on some to pick up the extra Hit points though. 100HP looks better then 3% crit to me, considering how damage is going to be now.
The change to lifeblood will have a negative affect on the bracket.
Hm, tnx for clarifications, however i'm far from liking the changes, really.

100hp heal when the dmg is so high is nothing.

ah, so ironic tho, when we finnaly get back the quees due to united battlegrounds, nobody will play cuz of the changes.
The herbalism heal to me is a crutch. People will learn to adjust and play without it if they don't like the haste. I however, love the new haste buff it gives for my Ele Shaman :D
Having tried lifeblood on PTR I can say that the heal is like a very poor healing potion. The amount healed is variable. I normally see in the 80-120 range but I have seen 200 once (I presume a crit). With the haste buff up from highest rank lifeblood, rogue energy generates as fast as you can use it. Sinister strike can be spammed for example. Ferals, hunters and rogues really dont need a dps increase of this magnitude.
The herbalism heal to me is a crutch. People will learn to adjust and play without it if they don't like the haste. I however, love the new haste buff it gives for my Ele Shaman

an ele shaman wouldnt care about not getting healed..../fp

Any class which cant heal itself via spells NEEDED it to survive vs other classes. Reseting for bandages wont work all the times

wouldnt expect a shaman to understand how it isnt a crutch.
I played a rogue for the longest time and I always considered herbalism a crutch. Gouging and then bandaging in front of someone always put a smile on my face. Herbalism takes out the need to use bandages every cooldown and I just don't enjoy seeing someone heal themselves almost to full with a single ability every 2 minutes.

I will however pray for you warriors, since they seem to get the short end of the stick this time around.

Btw, Shaman heals are pretty pathetic right now on the PTR. I wouldn't even bother using my 3 second heal for an incredible 250 heal in the first place.
Healers will become more important than they are now, good. The haste will be interesting also.

Well, since I hate fishing (well, I have never done it - I think I would hate it) I generally have engineering on my twinks for the head piece. With the new BOA head piece coming and now this Lifeblood change, which I see as a nerf in general for my twinks, I am going to have to seriously rethink my professions. Oh well - I guess that's half the fun of twinking.

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